Engineers Without Borders Mid Atlantic Professionals Rugerero, Rwanda Project
Mission of Engineers Without Borders Partner with developing communities to improve their quality of life through the implementation of sustainable engineering projects Promote the development of internationally aware and globally responsible engineers, students, and professionals
History of Rwanda The original inhabitants of Rwanda were the Twa, a Pygmy people who now make up only 1% of the population The other two inhabitants in Rwanda are Hutu and Tutsi Rwanda started as a German territory then after World War I came under Belgian rule Belgium at first maintained Tutsi dominance but eventually encouraged power sharing between Hutu and Tutsi When Ruanda became the independent nation of Rwanda on July 1, 1962, it was under Hutu rule. Ethnic tensions led to civil war, forcing many Tutsi into exile Since 1962 there has been much violence against Tutsis, the worst in 1994 when over 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed in 3 months
Rugerero, Rwanda The Rugerero village is located in the North- western region of Rwanda near Gisenyi
Rugerero, Rwanda The village was built by FARG (Genocide survivors support fund) after the 1994 genocide for Tutsi survivors Population of approximately 600, which includes 100 families Consists of 50 buildings, with two homes per building The houses do not have any running water or electricity