Create a timeline of your life! Family vacation to Disney World 1993 Sister Laura born Jan 23rd 1984 Brother David born Sept. 7th 1885 Finished graduate school May 2007 College graduation may 2004 Broke leg at track meet 1999 1980 1990 2000 2011 1981 Born on October 18th First teaching job Sept. 2007 1886 First day of kindergarten Graduated High School June 2000 First niece born April 2010 Directions Label year of birth at beginning of timeline Label current year at end of timeline Date each event alone your timeline and include a caption Include all major/ important events in your life
Historical Timeline BC to AD 1 500 AD 1000 AD 1500 AD 2000 AD Plot these important dates on your timeline 100 BC Julius Caesar born on July 13th 49 - 44 BC Reign of Julius Caesar 44 BC Assassination of Julius Caesar on March 15th William Shakespeare born in England on April 23rd 1599 Shakespeare writes Julius Caesar 1616 William Shakespeare dies on April 23rd *BC - Before Common Era *AD - Latin for “Anno Domino” refers to our current Era Gregorian Calendar or Western Calendar introduced in 1500’s
Very Brief Timeline of Rome The founding of Rome goes back to the very early days of civilization. It is so old, it is today known as 'the eternal city'. The Romans believed that their city was founded in the year 753 BC. Modern historians though believe it was the year 625 BC. Caesar is killed on march 15th 44 BC The Vesuvius erupts (Pompeii and other cities are covered in ash) 79 AD Rome becomes a Republic 509 BC Caesar becomes dictator 49-44 BC A new triumvirate rules Rome 45 BC 800 BC 100 AD 70 AD Collosseum is built 200 BC Roman currency introduced 753 BC Rome is founded
Map of Roman Empire during the time of Caesar 49 BC
Map of Great Britain Shakespeare born in Stratford Upon Avon, England
Your Assignment! You will be divided into 5 groups and responsible for investigating different aspects of Ancient Roman Culture Each group is responsible for researching the information and then presenting to the class
Rome during the time of 50 BC (Caesar’s rule) Form of Government Role of Men Role of Woman Religion Important Values
England during 1500-1600’s (Shakespeare’s time) Form of Government Role of Men Role of Woman Religion Important Values