Agenda Invitation to Write Student survey Book room for Catcher Catcher in the Rye vocab Movie
On a torn out sheet of paper, write the following: Things Ms. Bradley should keep doing: Things Ms. Bradley could improve: Things Ms. Bradley should not do: Do not put your name on this.
1)Ostracize 2)Privilege 3)Compulsory 4)Liberate 5)Unscrupulous 6)Lavish 7)Conscientious 8)Incognito 9)Sacrilegious 10)Boisterous 11)Digress 12)Reciprocal
Ostracize Definition: To exclude someone from a society or group. Verb Synonyms: Exclude, shut out, cold shoulder, reject Antonyms: welcome Sentence: His friends ostracized him after his father’s arrest.
Lavish Part of Speech: adj./verb Definition: given in large amounts Sentence: She lavished money on her children. Synonym: luxurious Antonym: scarce
boisterous Definition: (of a person, event, or behavior) noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy. Part of speech: Adjective Sentance: The crowd was very boisterous at the football game. Synonym: Lively Antonym: calm
Compulsory adjective Definition- required by law or a rule; obligatory. Sentence - early in the session he brought in a bill abolishing compulsory church-rates, and this passed into law. Synonym- mandatory Antonym- optional
Liberate Verb Definition: to set free from a situation The slaves have been liberated! Synonym: release Antonym: imprison
incognito adjective & adverb Definition: having one's true identity concealed. Example: In order to observe you have to be incognito. Synonym: Hidden Antonym: Obvious
privilege Noun A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people Education is a privilege that should be available for all, however, in some countries it is not. Synonym: Benefit Antonym: Disadvantage
Unscrupulous Adjective Unscrupulous- Having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair. Used in a sentence: The crooked cop was unscrupulous. Synonym: Immoral Antonym: Moral
Conscientious adjective Conscientious- wishing to do what is right especially to do ones work or duty well and thoroughly. Billy is conscientious of cheating on his test Synonym: Diligent Antonym: Casual
Digress leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing. The teacher always digressed from the topic for some reason. Verb Synonym: deviate Antonym: Focus
Sacrilegious Adjective Committing blasphemy. "Your vile language was sacrilegious" Synonyms: Profane, sinful Antonyms: Respectful, religious
Reciprocal Adjective, noun Definition: Given, felt, or done in return Example: The reciprocal agreement guaranteed everybody’s rights.