Birth Control
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You will need to write out: Teens having penis-vagina sex have a 90% chance of getting pregnant within a year if not using birth control methods. Recommended for all People Having Penis- Vagina Sex who Don’t Want Pregnancy
Talk to your health provider about what method is best for you & your partner!
Implant Small plastic rod inserted under the skin in the upper arm; lasts 3 years 99+% effective
Intrauterine Device (IUD) T-shaped piece of plastic that is placed in the uterus 99+% effective This clinic does not put in IUDs, but we can refer you to other clinics
Shot A shot in the arm every 3 months 94-99% effective
The Pill Take one per day every day at same time 91-99% effective
Patch Small square patch that sticks on the arm, stomach, upper back, or butt 91-99% effective
Ring Small flexible ring, inserted in vagina for three weeks straight 91-99% effective
Emergency Contraception Pill(s) that can be taken after unprotected penis-vagina sex Plan B: up to 89% effective Ella: 85% effective
Condom 82% effective with typical use
Not having penis- vagina sex 100% effective if there is no genital contact or exchange of fluids