Bibliographic Information Set Up: Author’s last name, first initial. (Year of publication, month). Title of the article. Title of the Magazine, Volume #, Issue #, p. #. Remember! Notice the first line is not indented. Only the first letter of the article title is capitalized. The magazine title is in italic print and capitalized followed by the page number of the article. Follow the punctuation of the example. If there is no author listed, leave it off. Magazine title Volume #, issue #, month, and year Magazine Entry
Book Entry Set Up : Author’s last name, first initial. (Year published). Title of the book. Where published: Publishing Co. Remember! The first line is not indented. The title of the book is in italic print with only the first word capitalized. There is a colon between the publication city and the publishing company. Notice the punctuation used in the example. Title AuthorYear published Publishing Co. Where published
Reference Source Entry Set Up: Author’s last name, first initial. (Year). Article title. The Title of the Encyclopedia, volume #: page #. Remember! Only the first line is not indented. The first word of the article title is capitalized. The book title is in italic and capitalized. There is a colon between the volume number and the page number. If the author is not listed leave it off. Year published!. Volume #
Web Page Entry Set Up: Author. (Date of last update). Title. Retrieved day month year and from where you retrieved it. Remember! Only the first line is not indented. If the author and the last update is unknown leave it blank. “From where you retrieved” the information is the web address. Web address