‘Stack Em’ – Jenga Tesco do a set called 'Stack Em' and they cost £4 each.
Activity 1 At the end of a topic or as a revision lesson activity get students to note on each brick a keyword from the topic. This is a quick AfL task as you can see what they remember. I get mine to do it as a quick plenary or a quick starter. 7 groups working in 4s Peer assess – who has a higher stack. Class review / evaluation against glossary
Activity 2 Colour the bricks. I get students to do it as a bit of success criteria development against level ability (Purple- A*, Green- C etc) The more difficult terms relate to higher level thinking down to the name of a landform for example as low level. I get students to do this on the outside of the brick. Students could then stack them related to significance, cost, creating a ranking sequence to the tower. They could evaluate & compare each others blocks and students try to work out how they are ranked. The block could be classified into human / physical or environmental. So before you even play the game you have thinking driving the learning.
Activity 3 Students in tables of 4 in my room play to remove the bricks. They can do that related to their target so if they are a C target they go for pinks or if they are a B the orange. This is creating the Stretch and Challenge. When the student draws out a word they have to say what it is. the rest on the table could do a Kagan Group task with it to keep then active rather than passive. 1s draw it, 2s describe it, 3s associate or dissociate from it with another brick for 6 degrees of separation from it or say as many words that are connected to it and count. I use this as a quick timer for the others to move on when they think is right. Or/and…… Each brick that comes out, students can try and think of an overall connection to the topic or other topics
Activity 4 The game will play out till the block collapses. Then we move onto the next task the idea is that students sort the bricks however they want to (or by the criteria you give them on the board. So that you have control if you feel you need it to then make a direct comparison between groups). Students could then cross to another groups work on the table to get ideas, compare / contrast ask for help a hint etc. Include paper/ white boards? Use them as labels?
Activity 5 High order thinking students are creating links between the key words Students could then with all these key terms draw on paper or I prefer the table with a whiteboard pen a diagram to incorporate the key terms and to keep connected parts together.
Activity 6 You/they could write differentiated terms around the brick so runny lava on simple term side becomes low viscosity basaltic lava on the Geography Key side / literacy so a mini thesaurus task
Activity 7 Lizzie Eames- Each block is numbered A list of questions for different topics relating to all the numbers on the blocks… then they have to answer the question of the corresponding block… I usually do it with teams so 3 points for answering it on their own and then 1 point if they have to confer with their team mates. If they get a question wrong then the other team can steal the points
Activity 8 Behaviour Jenga Colour each block Each colour links to a set of Behaviours that can be discussed as a group Tell me a good manner. Win 2pts.
Tell me a good manner. Win 2pts. Someone in your class calls you a rude name. Tell me 2 things that you could do. 4pts Your teacher has big ears. What could you call him? 2pts You chose the wrong behaviour going into the hall. - 5 pts A child is running too fast in the playground and bumps into you. Tell me one thing that you could do. 2pts You’re in assembly and it’s really boring. Tell me one thing that you could do. 2pts You’ve got a warning. - 2pts You’ve had no warnings for 2 weeks. 10 pts
Show me your best smile. Win 2pts. You are swinging on your chair and you accidentally rock onto someone’s toe. What can you do to make it better? 4pts Your teacher has food on their jumper. What could you say to them? 2pts Someone has really upset you. Tell me 2 ways that you can calm yourself down. 5 pts It is your worst lesson next. How do you walk into the lesson? 2pts You threw a pencil. - 2pts You’ve earnt a sticker for holding a door for an adult. 2 pts. A child that you do not know is crying. Tell me 2 things that you could do. 4pts.
Tell me one of the best things that you have ever done. Win 2pts. You’ve lost one of your shoes. Tell me 2 things that you could do. 4pts Someone in your class says something that isn’t the right answer. What could you do? 2pts You see somebody hit your best friend. Tell me 2 things that you could do. 5 pts Your teacher won’t let you answer a question, what could you do? 2pts You hid someone’s things. - 2pts You shared your crisps at lunch. 2 pts. A child in Reception is crying because they can’t read. How could you help them? 4pts.
Tell me the best day you’ve had at school. Win 2pts. Tell me how you are feeling today. 4pts Someone blames you for breaking a lunchbox and you know it wasn’t you. What should you do? 2pts You lied. How could correct it? 5 pts You think something isn’t fair, how can you challenge it? 2pts You interrupted a teacher. - 2pts You played nicely all lunch! 2 pts. Someone is sitting on their own at lunch. Tell me 3 things that you could do. 4pts.
What’s your favourite game to play with someone else? Win 2pts. Tell me how you thing I’m feeling today. 4pts You are writing in your book and someone knocks you. What should you do? 2pts You got mad and hit somebody. What do you do? 5 pts Tell me 3 things that you should never do at school. 2pts You said unkind things to someone. - 2pts You came in smiling today. 2 pts. You’ve not got any food for break time. What could you do? 4pts.
What is your favourite subject and why? Win 2pts. Tell me how you know you’ve had a good day. 4pts You got sent out. - 4pts Tell me 3 things that you could do to earn a certificate. 2pts You were friendly in PE. 2 pts.