Legislative Update Colorado State Association of Health Underwriters Presented by Cindy Sovine-Miller
Source: Colorado Legislative Council
Colorado is Constitutionally required to maintain a balanced budget $800 Million Revenue Shortfall in Colorado Program Cuts across the board 10% Reduction in all State Agencies (includes 8 furlough days for state employees) 2% - 4% cut to Medicaid Reimbursement Rates $180 cut to Senior Property Homestead Exemption Over $150 Million in cuts to Higher Education Desperate times for legislators: Pinnacle Assurance
Introduced Bills House 368 Senate 296 Total 664 CSAHU tracked 40 bills and actively worked on 22 of them.
CSAHU Leg Committee Criteria for Evaluating Legislation: Will the legislation if implemented increase the cost of insurance? Will the legislation if implemented increase access to insurance Will the legislation if implemented improve competition? Will the legislation if implemented increase regulation? What is the practical ability of CSAHU to influence this legislation? How can this bill be made better? Does this bill move us closer to a state run health insurance plan?
Billing Claim Transparency Medicaid Option (Insurance Safety Net) SCHIP Enrollment Individual Market Reforms Price Transparency
Staying involved in the Dialogue ◦ Public Option ◦ Individual Mandate ◦ Employer List Bill Education and Advocacy Efforts ◦ Continued focus on awareness of the value the broker brings to health care. ◦ Work to achieve CSAHU policy goals and resist efforts that work against a healthy market place. Strengthening Grass Roots Efforts ◦ Accept the political landscape. Make an effort to get to know and establish a relationship with your Congressional and State elected officials. ◦ Communicate what CSAHU is doing for your clients and keep them aware of what is happening. Speaking with One Voice ◦ Being consistent with CSAHU’s message is the most important thing any member can do for the organization. Take the time to understand what CSAHU is doing on your behalf. ◦ Communicate with your chapter’s representative on the CSAHU Legislative Committee to communicate suggestions, questions or concerns. Partnership for a Healthy Colorado ◦ Multi-stakeholder group initiated by CSAHU who meets independent of Government to work on meaningful steps for health care reform.
Visit to locate your elected officialswww.nahu.org Visit to access copies of this presentation and access CSAHU’s entire bill matrix. Contribute to the CSAHU PAC PAC Chair: Bill Killgore (970)
MDAHU Bea Green (720) Sheryl Briles-Thompson (303) NCAHU Kristi Rankin (970) Scott Rankin (970) FRAHU Jessica Warren-Schultz (303) David Marshall (303) SCAHU Sharlene Yabe Co-Leg Chair (719) John Beerman (719) WRAHU Christine Boggart (970) CSAHU Rep Marie De Wolfe (303) Dorothy Marshall Co-Leg Chair (303)
Cindy Sovine-Miller Political Consultant Sovine Miller & Co