UW-Milwaukee Geography PHENOLOGY Impacts of Spring Phenology on Carbon and Energy Fluxes in the Midwest and Northeast USA
UW-Milwaukee Geography Research Contributions u Phenology data from R. Ahas, J. Caprio, X. Chen, DWD, A. Menzel, J. O’Keefe, and WPS u Flux data from S. Wofsy/Harvard Forest ( ), Lamont ARM ( ), K. Davis/Park Falls/ WLEF ( ), S. Grimmond/H. Schmid/ Morgan Monroe ( ), and D. Baldocchi/ K. Wilson/Oak Ridge ( ) u Phenology compositing technique adapted from a method developed by X. Chen
UW-Milwaukee Geography RESEARCH GOALS u Dynamic Biosphere Models u Terrestrial Biosphere Change Detection u Improve Understanding of Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions
UW-Milwaukee Geography Integrated Approach u Satellite Observations (AVHRR-NDVI) u Indicator Species Phenology u Native Species Phenology
UW-Milwaukee Geography Lilac First Leaf
UW-Milwaukee Geography Lilac First Bloom
UW-Milwaukee Geography Spring Indices (SI) Bloom Model Performance ( 3 plant average model output compared to lilac bloom data)
UW-Milwaukee Geography SI Bloom Comparison to European Plant Data
UW-Milwaukee Geography Comparisons to Harvard Forest Native Trees
UW-Milwaukee Geography Comparisons to Harvard Forest Native Trees
UW-Milwaukee Geography Comparisons to UW-Milwaukee Native Trees
UW-Milwaukee Geography Spring Index Comparison to USA SOS Dates
UW-Milwaukee Geography Diurnal Range Change with First Leaf
UW-Milwaukee Geography Station Locations
UW-Milwaukee Geography Spring Index Model Output for Selected Stations Station n min minmean max max min minmean max max min minmean max max P. Falls H. Forest MMonroe Lamont O. Ridge Composite Chill Date First Leaf Date First Bloom Date
UW-Milwaukee Geography Flux Changes Relative to First Bloom Spring Index Harvard Forest, MA
UW-Milwaukee Geography Net Ecosystem Exchange Harvard Forest, MA
UW-Milwaukee Geography Comparative Latent minus Sensible Heat Flux
UW-Milwaukee Geography Comparative Net Ecosystem Exchange
UW-Milwaukee Geography Comparative Net Ecosystem Exchange Annual “Downturn” Rates
UW-Milwaukee Geography Comparative Net Radiation
UW-Milwaukee Geography PAR Relative to First Bloom Spring Index Harvard Forest, MA
UW-Milwaukee Geography Flux Changes at UWM Field Station, WI 2002
UW-Milwaukee Geography Harvard Forest Native Species Acer pensylvanicum striped maple A. rubrum red maple A. saccharum sugar maple* Amelanchier spp serviceberry, shadbush* Aronia spp chokeberry Betula alleghaniensis yellow birch* B. lenta black birch B. papyrifera paper birch* B. populifolia gray birch Castanea dentata American chestnut Cornus alternifolia alt.-leaved dogwood* Crataegus spp hawthorn* Fagus grandifolia American beech* Fraxinus americana white ash* Hamamelis virginiana witch-hazel* Ilex verticillata winterberry, black alder Kalmia angustifolia sheep laurel K. latifolia mountain laurel Lyonia ligustrina maleberry Nemopanthus mucronata mountain holly Nyssa sylvatica black gum Pinus strobus eastern white pine Populus tremuloides trembling aspen* Prunus serotina black cherry* Quercus alba white oak Q. rubra northern red oak* Q. velutina black oak Rhododendron roseum mountain azalea Sambucus pubens red elderberry Tsuga canadensis eastern hemlock Vaccinium corymbosum highbush blueberry Viburnum alnifolium hobblebush V. cassinoides witherod *= also observed at UWM Field Station
UW-Milwaukee Geography Flux Changes Relative to First Bloom Spring Index Harvard Forest, MA
UW-Milwaukee Geography Harvard Forest Carbon Dioxide Flux
UW-Milwaukee Geography Phenological Changes near ChEAS sites
UW-Milwaukee Geography Phenological Regions in Wisconsin (Source: Zhao 2002)
UW-Milwaukee Geography ISI First Bloom for NP Region, WI compared to SI Indices for (ISI from Zhao and Schwartz, in progress)
UW-Milwaukee Geography Proposed FLUXNET Phenological Phases (coniferous sites) u NA (Needle appearance) u CF (Flowering)
UW-Milwaukee Geography Proposed FLUXNET Phenological Phases (deciduous sites) u SL (Sprouting of leaves) u UL (Beginning of the unfolding of leaves) u L95 (95% of leaves at 95%+ of final size) u BF (Beginning of flowering) u FR (Fruit ripe) u CL (Coloring of leaves)
UW-Milwaukee Geography Proposed FLUXNET Phenological Phases (grassland sites) u IG (Initiation of growth, tiller emergence) u IF (Initiation of flowering, anthesis) u DF (Duration of flowering, anthesis) u PS (Peak seedheads) u LC (Leaves in canopy > 90% dry)
UW-Milwaukee Geography Global Phenological Monitoring u European Phenology Network u FLUXNET phenology protocol u GLOBE phenology protocols u Canada Plantwatch u USA phenology network plans