Chapter 12 Social Studies Matthew Chewning & Lindsay Cissell
Question 1 “What are the differences in cultures?” is a questions asked in which Social Studies Instructional Standard? A.Global Connections B.Culture C.Time, continuity, and change D.Civic ideals and practices
Question 2 Visits students make to Internet sites to see places they couldn’t easily go in real life is called __________. A.Information Visualization B.Digital Storytelling C.Adventure Learning D.Virtual Field Trips
Question 3 What is the name of the act that the National Geographic Society is trying to get passed? A.Geography Act B.Teaching Geography is Fundamental Act C.No More Geography Act D.Teach Geography Everyday Act
Question 4 This gives students opportunity to stay up to date on current events and things changing quickly through our economy. A.Electronic Research B.Simulated Problem-Solving Environments C.Technology D.Google Earth
Question 5 This activity involves one individual hides a Cache for another individual to find using a GPS. (Global Positioning System). A.Hide and seek B.Simulated Problem-Solving Environments C.Virtual Field Trips D.Geocaching
Issues and Problems in Social Studies Instruction Ten Required Social Studies Instruction Standards Culture Time, continuity, and change People, places, and environments Individual development and identity Individuals, groups, and institutions Power, authority, and governance
Issues and Problems cont. Required Instruction Standards cont. Production, distribution, and consumption Science, technology, and society Global connections Civic ideals and practices
Challenges when Teaching S.S. Testing Amount of content Technology
The “History Wars” What to teach? Teaching Geography is Fundamental Act
Perils of the Information Explosion Who is right? What can you trust?
Technology Integration Strategies Simulated Problem-Solving Environments Information Visualization Virtual Field Trips
Technology Integration Strategies cont. Adventure Learning Digital Storytelling
Electronic Research Gives students opportunity to stay up to date on current events and things changing quickly through our economy.
Geospatial Analysis Google Earth: Allows students to view the world through multiple layering of data sets.
Geocaching One individual hides a Cache for another individual to find using a GPS. (Global Positioning System)
Social Studies Technology Knowledge ure=player_detailpage ure=player_detailpage
Helpful Websites lessons lessons study/ study/ ocial_Studies ocial_Studies ech_paper.pdf ech_paper.pdf master-teacher/ master-teacher/23634