The career center is located in the IMC The following services are provided by the Career Center, students can stop in any time or schedule an appointment: Post - Secondary preparation including help with Naviance Career planning Career & Industry Tours Job Shadow opportunities Assessment and Interest tests
ACT practice and other test prep opportunities College visits from representatives Letters of Recommendation Financial aid and scholarship information Military resources Conference night workshop information And much more!
Students are encouraged to visit during Bengal Time on Wednesday mornings or on PAWS travel days. Parents and students can schedule an appointment by stopping in the Career Center or ing Ms. Nibbe at
Counselors work with students on Academic/Post Secondary Planning/and Social Emotional Concerns Meet your counselor
Ms. Trettle Last Names A-Dt Ms. Boren Last Names Du-KE
Ms. Oldre Last Names Kf-O Ms. Weisbrich Last Names P-Tq
Ms. Zimba Last Names Tr-Z CEMS Q-Z Ms. Pare CEMS A-P
You can see your counselor: If you have a question about planning for after high school If you are struggling with an issue and need resources If you have academic concerns If you want to talk about graduation and your credits If you are struggling with an issue with a friend If you have questions about college applications or sending your transcripts
If students have their own device or phone, they can log on to Naviance and review the “Do What You Are” careers and majors that matched to them If students have not yet completed the “DoWhat You Are” they can log in to Naviance and click on the tab About Me, scroll to “Do What You Are” and complete the inventory Students who have completed this may have work time