SOURCE CARDS Keep track of and learn the format of your sources
What should my source cards look like? Basic Source Card Format Source Letter____ Write source information from the Citation Worksheet in proper format.
What should my source cards look like? Basic Source Card Format Source Letter____ Write source information from the Citation Worksheet in proper format. First line starts on margin
What should my source cards look like? Basic Source Card Format Source Letter____ Write source information from the Citation Worksheet in proper format. Next lines are indented/ tabbed in 5 spaces This format is called “hanging indent”.
Basic Source Card Format
NOTE CARDS Keep track of and organize your facts
What should my note cards look like? Basic Note Card Format Source Letter - Note # ____ Write only one fact/idea per card.
What should my note cards look like? Avoid Plagiarism! Paraphrase as you write the fact OR Just write the fact without a complete sentence (like a date & event) OR Write the exact words that someone said with quotation marks around them.
I’m not sure what to write on my note cards. You don’t need to write down basic information you already know. Write specific information, such as dates, places, important names or titles. Include some quotes in your note cards. Use quotation marks and write down who said the quote.
Quotations Make sure to include some quotes in your paper: Quotes made by the person you’re interviewing Quotes by someone else talking about the career you’re researching Quotes which add interest and authority to your paper
Focus on Career Information Remember the purpose of this paper You are exploring to find out as much information as possible about a career. Look for facts that support main ideas for your paper Why is this career important? What education/training is needed for this career? What is the salary for this career? How can one advance in this career? What tasks are done by the persons who work in this career area?
Goal: 30 or More Note Cards Your goal is 30+ note cards from various sources. You need to focus on those main ideas which have been identified in your Early Plan.