For more information contact: Dr. Jeraline M. Marsh, Career Education Specialist or Preparing to Submit SY’11 CTE Program Completers “As Simple as 1-2-3”!
Who Is a CTE Program Completer? A CTE program completer is defined as a student who has successfully completed the entire sequence of CTE courses within a job prep program area of study, which does not include Technology Education courses (courses beginning with 86…). Only graduating seniors are eligible to receive completer certificates.
CTE Program Completer Certificate
How Do I Submit My Students As Program Completers? Student names are submitted via an online district approved form.
When Do I Submit My Program Completers? Coordinators will have access to the online district approved form to submit program completers as soon as the 1 st semester grades have been posted estimated around January 10, Exact date will be given at the December coordinator’s meeting.
What Should I Do Now? In the meantime, career academy coordinators should meet with all CTE teachers to begin determining which CTE seniors may be eligible for a program completer certificate. For more information contact: Dr. Jeraline M. Marsh, Career Education Specialist or