OCR-A AS Plate tectonics
Convection currents
Internal structure
Plate margins
Types of margins Types of Margins
1. Constructive Boundaries
Magnetic banding
(I) Constructive Ocean+Ocean Plate eg Mid Atlantic Ridge (North American + Eurasian Plate)
Iceland rift
Thingvellir, Iceland
(II) Continental+Continental Plate Eg East African Rift Valley (African and Indian Plate)
2. Destructive Boundaries
Pacific Ring of Fire
(I) Ocean+Continental Plates - eg Peru, Andes (eg Nazca and South American Plates)
(ii)Ocean + Ocean Plates Eg. Marianus Trench (Pacific and Philippine Plates)
(iii) Continental+Continental Eg Himalayas, Nepal (Indian+Eurasian Plates)
Tibetan plateau
3. Transform Boundaries
Eg. The San Andreas Fault, California, USA
Off-set Highway on the San Andreas Fault
Valleys along the fault line
Gap theory
Hot spots Plumes of hot mantle rising to the surface
Hot Spots > a small area of the earth’s crust where an unusually high heat flow is associated with volcanic activity
World Hot Spots
The Trail of Hot Spots
Any Questions…….