Unit 10 Vocabulary Foundations of English 10
Adept: (adj) very skilled (n) an expert
Aspire: (v) to have big hopes or plans -following an inspiration
Bleak: (adj) bare, dreary, dismal -weather could be described this way
Chide: (v) to blame; scold
Despicable: (adj) awful, terrible YouTube - That's Despicable
Diminutive: (adj) small, tiny Smaller in size
Emancipate: (v) to free from slavery; to release or unchain
Erroneous: (adj) incorrect, containing mistakes (wedding crashers)
Exploit: (v) to make use of for personal profit; (n) a deed BP Oil spill
Extemporaneous: (adj) made or delivered on the spur of the moment A spontaneous road trip!
Impair: (v) to make imperfect or damage, disable
Invincible: (adj) not able to be defeated, unbeatable
Languid: (adj) drooping; without energy, sluggish
Mire: (n) mud, swampy ground; a tough situation (v) To get stuck
Obtrusive: (adj) in your face, prominent, thrust out Protruding tail
Preamble: (n) an introduction to a speech or piece of writing
Render: (v) to cause to become; to perform; to deliver officially A plumber will bill you for services rendered (or performed).
Rugged: (adj) rough, irregular
Skeptical: (adj) inclined to doubt; slow to accept something as true
Slipshod: (adj) untidy in dress; sloppy