All Hands Meeting 2015 Slipping B-Netting Willy Bag Placement
Side Slipper Guide Lines Should be strong skier Should understand line Should not have poles or be carrying anything Should have a partner Should know the start interval Should know the designated pull out areas Should have clear direction from COC, TD or COR Should slip at 60% to 80% race speed
Side slipping directions
B-Net Testing Testing Dummy
Testing Conclusions Test results indicate that at least 3 net units totaling 60 linear meters (33 poles) are required to safely decelerate the falling skier, when using a single row of nets. Reference Document: Field testing of Barry B-Net Systems used in Alpine Ski Race Course protection
Conclusions Netting that is to tight will not catch the skier and may cause the skier to ramp up, flip out or slide under the netting. Solution Netting tension should be “loose” between poles, each section is 2 meters in length but should be hung between 1.85 and 1.95 meters *Simple way to get correct tension when setting up is to use you ski boot as a guide to reduce the distance between poles.
B-Net Configurations
100 KPH
Keys to safe B-Net Installation 4 Meters from Hard object Minimum 3 sections Not tight 10deg toward course and up hill Hole 30-32cm deep Joined correctly Uphill section in front of downhill section Pulled down at each pole 2 Meters between nets, when layering.
Willy Bag Placement Behind all netting Attached to bamboo NOT directly against immovable object Can be joined with other bags using one bamboo per two bags At snow level In spill zone
Typical Set up
THANK YOU Antony Courtenay