QUARTERLY REPORT 4 th Quarter 2012/13 Jan – March 2013 BRANCH : Rights of Children and People with Disabilities UNIT: Rights of People with Disabilities 3/13/2016 1
PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE 2 To raise awareness on the status and rights of people with disabilities, and to develop and popularise norms and standards for mainstreaming of disability considerations into legislation, policies and programmes through consultative processes. To monitor, evaluate and report on progress and impact made on the realisation of rights of people with disabilities through an integrated monitoring and evaluation system. To enable public and private sector institutions to deliver on the realisation of the rights of people with disabilities by establishing institutional mechanisms, as well as by facilitating and/or providing institutional support and training. 3/13/2016
3 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/out put 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsible Manager Progress Reason for Variances Proposed Corrective Actions Advocacy and mainstream ing to promote the rights of people with disabilities National Disability Policy published Director : Advocacy and Mainstreaming Not achievedOnly 1 staff member in Chief Directorate Awaiting response from Ford Foundation for technical support to complete this task by March Included in 2013/14 APP. 3/13/2016
4 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/out put 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsible Manager Progress Reason for Variances Proposed Corrective Actions Advocacy and mainstream ing to promote the rights of people with disabilities. National Disability Awareness Campaign Coordinated Assessment Report on National Awareness and Accessibility Campaigns compiled Director : Advocacy and Mainstreami ng AchievedN/A Universal Access Strategy approved Universal Access Strategy submitted for approval Director : Advocacy and Mainstreami ng Not Achieved Only 1 staff member in Chief Directorat e Awaiting response from Ford Foundation for technical support to complete this task by March Included in 2013/14 APP. 3/13/2016
5 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsible Manager Progress Reason for Variances Proposed Corrective Actions Advocacy and mainstream ing to promote the rights of people with disabilities. Participation by disability sector in key sector policy development processes & government programmes facilitated NoneDirector : Advocacy and Mainstreaming N/A 3/13/2016
6 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsible Manager Progress Reason for Variances Proposed Corrective Actions Advocacy and mainstream ing to promote the rights of people with disabilities. SA Country Plan of the African Decade Continental Plan implemented and coordinated NoneDirector : Advocacy and Mainstreaming Statements made by the SA delegation to the UNCRPD Conference of Parties are published and circulated NoneChief Director : M&E N/A 3/13/2016
7 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsible Manager Progress Reason for Variances Proposed Corrective Actions Monitor, evaluate and report on the status of the equalisatio n of opportuniti es for people with disabilities Number of reports on access to education for children and young people with disabilities compiled 1 Report on transition of school-leavers and graduates with disabilities finalised 1 Status Report on Quality of Learning and Teaching in Special Schools finalised Chief Dir: M&E Not achieved Delays in approval of Terms of Reference and advertising bid for appointment of consultants Research and Policy Development still doing data analysis Deferred to 2013/14 Number of M&E reports on access to employment and economic empowerment opportunities for people with disabilities compiled 1 Status Report on increased access by people with disabilities to economic empowerment and skills development programmes finalised Chief Dir: M&E Not achieved Delays in approval of Terms of Reference and advertising bid for appointment of consultants Deferred to 2013/14 3/13/2016
8 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsi ble Manager Progress Reason for Variances Proposed Corrective Actions Monitor, evaluate and report on the status of the equalisatio n of opportuniti es for people with disabilities Number of reports on participation by people with disabilities in rural development programmes compiled Report on improvement of participation of people with disabilities in rural development programmes finalised Chief Dir: M&E Not achieved Delays in approval of Terms of Reference and advertising bid for appointment of consultants Deferred to 2013/14 Disability considerations integrated into all Government M&E (GWME) systems Quarterly reports to Cabinet clusters submitted Chief Dir: M&E Not Achieved Delays in finalising M&E Strategy & finalisation of Country Report delayed development of quarterly reports to Cabinet M&E Strategy finalised Country Report finalised 3/13/2016
9 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/outp ut 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsi ble Manager Progress Reason for Variances Proposed Corrective Actions Monitor, evaluate and report on the status of the equalisation of opportunities for people with disabilities UNCRPD Reporting Requirements complied with NoneChief Dir: M&E N/A 3/13/2016
10 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsi ble Manager Progress Reason for Variances Proposed Corrective Actions Institutional support and capacity development for equal access and opportunities for people with disabilities An Intervention Model to accelerate access to education for children and young people with disabilities developed NoneDD: IS&CD N/A Two institutional support interventions to facilitate equal access to employment and economic empowerment opportunities for people with disabilities coordinated A model outlining norms and standards for mainstreaming disability considerations in sheltered employment factories developed DD: IS&CD Not achievedDelays on KZN site caused postponeme nt of launch of centre NW still in construction phase Meeting was held between Ministry and MECs office 3/13/2016
11 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator/output 2012/13 Quarter 4 Target Responsibl e Manager Progress Reason for Variances Proposed Corrective Actions Institutional support and capacity developme nt for equal access and opportuniti es for people with disabilities Strategy for mainstreaming of disability considerations in integrated public service delivery coordinated Capacity building of district and local municipality disabled people organisations in four provinces coordinated DD: IS&CDNot achieved Only 1 staff member (Deputy Director) in Chief Directorate Suspended for rest of year Institutional Framework developed Consolidated report on Institutional Framework compiled DD: IS&CDNot Achieved Delays in finalising the Integrated Framework due to capacity constraints delayed development of Sector Framework Will be finalised in 2013/14 Joint machineries convened DD: IS&CDAchievedN/A 3/13/2016
12 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS KPIQ4 Target Achieved Progress Information National Disability Awareness Campaign Coordinated Launch of National Disability Awareness Month and International Day of Persons with Disabilities celebrations coordinated A total of 177 news items were sent out to stakeholders through DisabilityRights The 2013 Disability Rights Calendar was finalized and circulated Assessment Report on National Awareness and Accessibility Campaigns compiled Participated in number of human rights events during March and also ensured mainstreaming of disability into human rights events Participation by disability sector in key sector policy development processes & government programmes facilitated No quarter 4 target The Road Accident Fund Scheme Bill was circulated to stakeholders to alert them to the commenting opportunity and period Sector kept informed with regards progress with Employment Services Bill and Employment Equity Amendment Bill in Parliament
3/13/ MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS KPIQ4 Target Achieved Progress Information An Intervention Model to accelerate access to education for children and young people with disabilities developed No quarter 4 target Lessons learnt through Khanyisa Special School used to structure intervention in supporting Lepelle Nkumpi municpality with development of Pontsho Disability Centre in Khureng Village. Centre successfully lauched over a two day period, which included an empowerment workshop for parents Facilitated the establishment of Disability Centres and support to existing centres in 17 Higher Education Institutions and distributed documents on best practices among them. Only 6 outstanding. Institutional Framework Developed Joint machineries convened A meeting between the Joint machinery stakeholders and SALGA was convened to focus on combating Gender-Based Violence UNCRPD Reporting Requirements complied with The first UNCRPD Country Report deposited with the UN Final draft of first UNCRPD Country Report submitted for approval Final Draft UN CRPD Country Report presented to Portfolio Committee. Editing of UN CRPD Country Report concluded. Cabinet memo and presentation finalised and submitted for discussion by Joint Cabinet Cluster meeting on 6 March – awaiting confirmation from Ministry Comments from Portfolio Committee and Select Committee on Country Report received. Response drafted. (PoE M&E 1)
3/13/ PROGRESS MADE ON Q1, Q2 & Q3 OUTSTANDINGTARGETS KPIQ1 -3 TargetProgress Information National Disability Policy published Legislation audit completed Pre-final draft of NDP consulted National Disability Policy approved The project has been placed on hold while negotiations with the Ford Foundation with regards financial and technical support for the process, are finalised. The Ford foundation proposal to fund this process has been completed and is being discussed with Ford Foundation Universal Access Strategy approved Status Report on universal access in transport, built environment and ICT finalised Minimum Norms and Standards for Universal Access and Design consulted and finalised Framework for capacity development in universal access finalised Framework for financing universal access finalised The project has been placed on hold while negotiations with the Ford Foundation with regards financial and technical support for the process. The Ford foundation proposal to fund this process has been completed and is being discussed with Ford Foundation
3/13/ PROGRESS MADE ON Q1&3 TARGETS KPIQ1 -3 TargetProgress Information SA Country Plan of the African Decade Continental Plan implemented and coordinated SA Chapter of Continental Plan consulted SA Chapter of Continental Plan approved Phase 1 of country plan coordinated and implemented SA Chapter of Continental Plan consulted Heads of State approved the AU Disability Architecture, which includes the Continental Plan of Action, in January The Continental Plan will be integrated into the National Disability Policy as well as Programme of Action
3/13/ PROGRESS MADE ON Q1&3 TARGETS KPIQ1 -3 TargetProgress Information Number of reports on access to education for children and young people with disabilities compiled 1 Report on Survey on Conditions in Special Schools finalised 1 Report reflecting experiences of students with disabilities at institutions of higher education published 1 Report on number of people with disabilities who have applied for access to ECD, basic education, FET and higher education facilities for 2012 academic year finalised Awaiting analysis reports from Research and Policy Development. Bids received have been evaluated for consideration for funding in 2013/14 Number of M&E reports on access to employment and economic empowerment opportunities for people with disabilities compiled 1 Report on experiences of public servants with disabilities finalised 1 Report on experiences of people with disabilities in learnership programmes finalised Bids received have been evaluated for consideration for funding in 2013/14
3/13/ PROGRESS MADE ON Q1&3 TARGETS KPIQ1 -3 TargetProgress Information Number of reports on participation by people with disabilities in rural development programmes compiled Report on participation of people with disabilities in current rural development programmes Bids received have been evaluated for consideration for funding in 2013/14 Disability considerations integrated into all Government M&E (GWME) systems Disability M&E indicators for GWM&E systems drafted Disability M&E indicators for GWM&E systems finalised UNDP process placed on suspension during a meeting between UNDP and DDG Toni until finalisation of the SCF Disability M&E indicator matrix finalised Disability definition, data management and statistics Working Group established and convened
3/13/ PROGRESS MADE ON Q1&3 TARGETS KPIQ1 -3 TargetProgress Information Two institutional support interventions to facilitate equal access to Employment and Economic Empowerment Opportunities for People with Disabilities coordinated A model outlining norms and standards for mainstreaming disability considerations in skills development centres developed The inclusive skills development centre model piloted on two sites Model finalised Roll-out held back by delays on construction site of Illovo Centre. Construction has now commenced again.
3/13/ PROGRESS MADE ON Q1&3 TARGETS KPIQ1 -3 TargetProgress Information Strategy for mainstreaming of disability considerations in integrated public service delivery coordinated Capacity Development Framework for mainstreaming of disability considerations into all Government programmes finalised Capacity building of national and provincial disabled people organisations (departments coordinated) Capacity building of district and local municipalities in five provinces coordinated The activity has been postponed to the next financial year as part of the UN-DESA Toolkit development for implementation of the CRPD Oversight of trainings on disability mainstreaming led by DSD and JICA Conducted a study tour to Japan to learn from their models
SUPPLIMENTARY PROJECTS (Ad hoc Activities) 20 Case Management – Total new received: 23 Total resolved (including previous months’ referrals): 16 3/13/2016
BUDGET REPORT ItemBudget Expenditure (31/03)Balance COE ,404,8271,846,173 Goods and Services ,411,112599,888 Transfers0 0 0 Capital , ,331 TOTAL: The figures provided were received from Finance on 04/04/2013 – the Unit is currently checking the expenditure figures against actual expenditure as the totals are disputed. Awaiting the detailed expenditure report from Finance
BRANCH CHALLENGES REQUIRING INTERVENTION 22 Programme staff had to vacate their offices at AVN due to unhealthy conditions. –Offices at Hamilton allocated on different floors and predominantly open plan –Staff utilising desk top computers sharing with Hamilton staff and with limited access to their own desk top hard drives –Limited access to landlines at Hamilton Long delays in supply chain processes (approvals, obtaining quotes, bid evaluation etc impacting negatively on delivery