Enterprise Education Services Negotiate, Integrate, Collaborate
Utah’s Enterprise Learning Services Interactive Video Hundreds of installed classrooms for K12 and Higher Ed Longest running service Multiple technologies Library Databases Access to several commercial periodical and reference databases for K12, HE and public libraries Access granted by IP address or home access login Digital Media 5,000+ downloadable video,audio and text files licensed from PBS, educational media vendors, and higher ed institutions Manages media access by audience (K12, HE, public) Course Management Hosting 15 separate HE institutions using Vista 4 1.5 million logins Fall semester 2007 Integrated with Banner SIS at institutions Hosting the Utah Electronic High School Web Conferencing Higher Ed, K12 and libraries Interactive video/audio/app sharing virtual rooms Integrated with Blackboard CMS Educator Portals Personal education website for educators over 30,000 accounts Portal to online library & curriculum building tools
Next - Integration Interactive-web-course-media-library-conferencing- portal (the IWCMLCP Service) Watches Ken Burns interview from LOR Student goes to CMS (enrolled automatically from their campus SIS) Checks course calendar for a live “special guest” Interactive presentation AP history students (all 3 of them) at a isolated High School view the event in their IP Video enabled room
Challenges Central Management & Local Control ◊Maintenance windows ◊Integrations - balancing the many & the one ◊User account management ◊User support “The state solution” vs. emerging tools ◊How does research fit? ◊Agility vs. stability Storage, storage and more storage Build it once, then build redundancy
Advantages The big equalizer - small and large have the same services The big convener - institutions collaborate to solve administration, instructional design and support challenges The big stick - exert united pressure on vendors to improve service The big picture - elevate the service vision from local agendas to what’s best for education in the state.