14-15 February 2011 Farm Structure Survey UNIT E1 - Farms, agro-environment and rural development European System of Data Services WORKSHOP.


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Presentation transcript:

14-15 February 2011 Farm Structure Survey UNIT E1 - Farms, agro-environment and rural development European System of Data Services WORKSHOP

14-15 February Contents Introduction 1- Overview of the Farm Structure Survey (FSS) 2- Methodological information (how the survey is done) 3- Practical information (what information is in FSS) 4- Examples of some questions the FSS could and could not answer. 5- Resources on FSS 6- Questions and Answers

14-15 February Introduction Objective – brief description of the Farm Structure Survey aiming at answering :  Most common doubts, uncertainties and wrong ideas  Most common questions from the users Objective – hand out resources (that area easily accessible) and contain background information that could help answer the data users Objective – get Feedback from the Data Centres on the main difficulties felt in working with the FSS

14-15 February National Accounts Regional Statistics 1. Overview of the FSS within the Agricultural Statistics EUROSTAT Agricultural Statistics Farm Structure Survey Agricultural prices and price indices Agricultural products Orchards survey Vineyard survey Organic farming (administrative records) Economic accounts for agriculture Regional agriculture statistics

14-15 February Overview of the FSS within the Agricultural Statistics "STUCTURE“ FSS (general) General groups of Crops and animals available every 2/3 years “The whole picture” Crops/Animals (detailed) big variety of crops and detailed classes of animals for detailed time series

14-15 February Overview of the FSS  The Microdata is delivered to Eurostat 1 record per farm.  More than 30 million records  For each there is over 200 variables  From all this information 86 tables were designed and are in Eurobase  No all the information available is online  ad-hoc tables are built for special requests Example :Agricultural holders by age in the specialist dairying farms

14-15 February Overview of the FSS History of FSS 1966/71970/ / / / /10 Since 1989/90 available in Eurobase Before 1989/90 – FSS Historical Results - Surveys from 1966/67 to

14-15 February Overview of the FSS Core variables Land use Livestock Labour Force Types of holdings Physical size Economic size Type of tenure (rented or owned) New variables Production methods Other gainful activities of the holder ( other income of the holder ) Other gainful activities of the Farm (tourism, renewable energy Production) Training of the holder Organic farming Irrigation

14-15 February Overview of the FSS Area of Organic farming by crop Support for rural development Equipment for energy production SAPM (Survey on Agricultural Production Methods) Area Irrigated by crop Method of irrigation Crop rotation Landscape features Grazing methods Animal housing Manure (application and storage) Source of water 2009/2010 On Going FSS What is new? Forecast of data dissemination: End of 2011 – PT, ES, EL End of 2012 – Other countries

14-15 February Methodological Information 1966/71970/ / / / /10 How is FSS carried out? CENSUS SAMPLE

14-15 February Methodological Information How is FSS carried out? Different methodologies in each country that are used to collect the FSS data –postal –personal questionnaires –online surveys –use of administrative data Each farmer has to answer a questionnaire that aims at describing his/her farm The methodology reports and the questionnaires are available for users on request.

14-15 February Methodological Information Information can be given in various classifications of the farms: Size of the Utilized Agricultural Area (UAA) Number of Livestock Units (LSU)

14-15 February Methodological Information Livestock unit – is used to measure the quantity of livestock on a farm. 1 Dairy cows= 1 LSU 10 Sheep= 1 LSU The number of animals (also called the number of heads) is different from the Number of Livestock units

14-15 February Standard Gross Margin (SGM) SGM coefficient SGM M 1 dairy cow2 000€ 2 000€ 10 pigs 70€ 700€ 2 ha of wheat 250€ 500€ 2 hectares of orange trees3 500€ 7 000€ + Total SGM € SGM 1 200€ / European Size Unit – ESU (1 200€) 8.5 ESU 2. Methodological Information

14-15 February Farm Type SGM M 1 dairy cow 2 000€ 10 pigs 700€ 2 ha of wheat 500€ 2 hectares of orange trees 7 000€ + Total SGM € SGM 1 digit 2. Methodological Information

14-15 February Agricultural Census Sample Survey BE AC BG SS AC CZ SS DK SS ACSS SS (AC 1989) DE SS AC EE SS IE SS ACSS AC (1991) EL SS ACSS AC (1991) ES SS ACSS AC (1989) FR SS ACSS SS (AC 1988) IT SS ACSS AC CY SS AC LV SS AC (2001) LT SS AC LU AC AC (1999)AC AC (1989) HU SS AC MT SS NL AC AC (1999)AC SS AT SS AC (1999)SSAC PL SS AC (2002) PT SS ACSS AC (1989) RO SS AC (2002) SI SS AC SK SS AC (2001) FI AC SS SE AC AC (1999)SS UK AC SS NO AC CH AC 3. Practical Information Datasets Available (time/geo)

14-15 February Common wheat and spelt Durum wheat Rye Barley Oats Grain maize Rice Other cereals Pulses - total Peas, field beans and sweet lupines Pulses other than peas, field beans and sweet lupines Potatoes Sugar beet Fodder roots and brassicas Tobacco Hops Cotton Rape and turnip Sunflower Soya Linseed (oil flax) Other oil seed crops Flax Hemp Other textile crops Aromatic, medicinal and culinary plants Industrial plants not mentioned elsewhere Fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries Fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries - outdoor Fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries - outdoor - open field Fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries - outdoor - market gardening Fresh vegetables, melons, strawberries - under glass Flowers - outdoor Flowers - under glass 3. Practical Information Main characteristics Surveyed - Crops Forage plants - total Forage plants - temporary grass Forage plants - other green fodder - total Forage plants - other green fodder - green maize Forage plants - other green fodder - leguminous plants Forage plants - other green fodder - other than green maize Seeds and seedlings Other arable land crops Fallow land without subsidies Fallow land subject to payment of subsidies with no economic use Kitchen gardens Permanent grassland and meadow - total Permanent grassland and meadow - pasture and meadow Permanent grassland and meadow - rough grazings Permanent grassland and meadow - no used for production, eligible forSubsidies Fruit and berry plantations - total Fruit species Fruit species of temperate climate zones Fruit species of subtropical climate zones Berry species Fruit and berry plantations - nuts Citrus plantations Olive plantations - total Olive plantations - table olives Olive plantations - oil production Vineyards - total Vineyards - quality wine Vineyards - other wines Vineyards - table grapes Vineyards - raisins Nurseries Other permanent crops Permanent crops under glass Mushrooms

14-15 February Equidae Bovine under one year old - total Bovine under 2 years - males Bovine under 2 years - females Bovine 2 years and older - males Heifers, 2 years and older Dairy cows Bovine 2 years old and over - other cows Sheep - total Sheep - breeding females Sheep - others Goats Goats - breeding females Goats - others Pigs - piglets under 20 kg Pigs - breeding sows over 50 kg Pigs - others Poultry - broilers Laying hens Poultry - others Rabbits (breeding females) Beehives 3. Practical Information Main characteristics Surveyed - Animals

14-15 February Holder: Sex Holder: Age group Farm work of the holder Farm work of the manager of non-group holding Farm work of the spouse of the sole holder Farm work of family members of the sole holder Farm work non-family members regularly employed Farm work non-family members non-regularly employed Holder: Working hours % code Manager of non-group holding: Sex Manager of non-group holding: Age group Manager of non-group holding: Working hours % code Spouse of sole holder: Sex Spouse of sole holder: Age group Spouse of sole holder: Working hours % code Total no. of family males: worktime >0-<25% AWU Total no. of family males: worktime 25-<50% AWU Total no. of family males: worktime 50-<75% AWU Total no. of family males: worktime 75-<100% AWU Total no. of family males: working full time Total no. of family females: worktime >0-<25% AWU Total no. of family females: worktime 25-<50% AWU Total no. of family females: worktime 50-<75% AWU Total no. of family females: worktime 75-<100% AWU Total no. of family females: working full time Total no. of family males and females: worktime >0- <25% AWU Total no. of family males and females: worktime 25- <50% AWU 3. Practical Information Main characteristics Surveyed – Labour Force Total no. of family males and females: worktime 50-<75% AWU Total no. of family males and females: worktime 75-<100% AWU Total no. of family males and females: working full time Total no. non-family males: worktime >0-<25% AWU Total no. non-family males: worktime 25-<50% AWU Total no. non-family males: worktime 50-<75% AWU Total no. non-family males: worktime 75-<100% AWU Total no. non-family males: working full time Total no. non-family females: worktime >0-<25% AWU Total no. non-family females: worktime 25-<50% AWU Total no. non-family females: worktime 50-<75% AWU Total no. non-family females: worktime 75-<100% AWU Total no. non-family females: working full time Total no. non-family males and females: worktime >0-<25% AWU Total no. non-family males and females: worktime 25-<50% AWU Total no. non-family males and females: worktime 50-<75% AWU Total no. non-family males and females: worktime 75-<100% AWU Total no. non-family males and females: working full time No. of working days for non-family males and females working on non-regular basis Other gainful activity of holder-manager Other gainful activity of spouse of sole holder No.of other family members of sole holder with other major gainful activity No.of other family members of sole holder with other subsidiary gainful activity No. of working days by contractors

14-15 February Legal personality of the holding Agricultural area utilised for farming by owner Agricultural area utilised for farming by tenant Agricultural area utilised for shared farming or other modes Farming system - Organic farming Farming system - Conversion to organic farming Farming system - Organic farming for animals More than 50% of production self-consumed by the holder More than 50% of sales are direct sales Total irrigable area Irrigated once a year – Total Other gainful activity: tourism Other gainful activity: handicraft Other gainful activity: processing of farm products Other gainful activity: wood processing Other gainful activity: aqua culture Other gainful activity: renewable energy production Other gainful activity: contractual work Other gainful activity: others 3. Practical Information Main characteristics Surveyed - Others

14-15 February Practical Information Geographical Breakdown Countries NUTS 0 NUTS 1 NUTS 2 NUTS 3

14-15 February What can FSS answer /not answer? What percentage of dairy farms are owned by women? Do the farms that have a high number of machinery have "contractual work" as another gainful activity? Do the olive tree farms have more non-family labour force than the average farms? How many tonnes of wheat was produced in 2007? Has the price of maize increased in the last 5 years? How much was the annual production of pigs by weight class in 2008?

14-15 February Resources Statistics in focus – one for each country on the FSS 2007, 2005, Agricultural Pocketbook that has a chapter on FSS and has the mais figures. Future Publications Statistics in focus on Large Farms (March 2011) Statistics in focus on Small Farms (June 2011) Statistics Explained

14-15 February Resources Legislation (see “6.1. Legal acts and other agreements”) Historical Results (Surveys from 1966/67 to 1997) Preliminary Results (FSS 2009/2010) Livestock Units List of characteristics (until 2007 FSS) List of characteristics (2010 FSS and after) List of FSS tables available in Eurobase can be suplyed on request

14-15 February For further information: Благодаря Danke Dank u Dakujem Dêkuji Dekoju Dziekuje  Grazie Grazzi Go raibh maith agaibh Gracias Hvala Kiitos Köszönöm Merci Multumesc Obrigada Paldies Tack Tak Takk Tänan Thank you 6 – Questions and Answers