Peter Nixon Quarry Bank Mill, Cheshire
Soil erosion
Populations of wild birds in the UK By habitat, Source: British Trust for Ornithology, Defra, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds In d ex ( = 1 0 0) W at e r a n d w et l a n d b i rds ( = 1 0 0) S e a b i rds ( = 1 0 0) All species (130) Seabirds (13) Woodland birds (37) Water and wetland birds (26) Farmland birds (19)
Our vision for land Enjoyed Healthy Rich in wildlife Beautiful Rich in culture Productive
Landscape scale and partnership NT spotlight landscape projects NT Catchment in Trust
Patrick Begg Avebury, Wiltshire
Have we got the balance right?
Land Choice: re-balancing our land
Turning up the natural experience
Playing your part?
What next? Land condition – identify priorities by May 2016 Landscapes – use your spotlight project to demonstrate partnership working Experiences and activities – continue developing explore properties, identify new potential for catering, membership and special activity
For everyone Our strategy addresses the right conservation challenge Our aim is clear We are not trying to do everything everywhere – thinking, testing and doing Great progress. Thank you.
Playing our part