Mortality After Incident Cancer in People With and Without Type 2 Diabetes Featured Article: Craig J. Currie, Ph.D., Chris D. Poole, Ph.D., Sara Jenkins-Jones, M.Sc., Edwin A.M. Gale, M.D., Jeffrey A. Johnson, Ph.D., Christopher Ll. Morgan, M.Sc. Diabetes Care Volume 35: 299–304 February, 2012
Study Objectives Examined the hypotheses that: Survival after a diagnosis of solid-tumor cancer is reduced in those with diabetes when compared with those without diabetes Treatment with metformin influences survival after cancer diagnosis Currie C et al. Diabetes Care 2012;35:
Study Design Data obtained from >350 U.K. primary care practices in a retrospective cohort study Individuals with or without diabetes who developed a first tumor after January 1990 were identified and records were followed to December 2009 Diabetes further stratified by treatment regimen Cox proportional hazards models used to compare all-cause mortality from all cancers and from specific cancers Currie C et al. Diabetes Care 2012;35:
Conclusions Type 2 diabetes was associated with poorer prognosis after incident cancer, but association varied according to diabetes therapy and cancer site Metformin was associated with survival benefit in comparison with other treatments for diabetes and in comparison with a nondiabetic population Currie C et al. Diabetes Care 2012;35: