7 th Grade Assignments T1 Week 11
7 th Grade Independent Study Assignments T1Week 11 Due November 17 (4 Day Week) Name________ __ Total Work Completed: _______% Help: om (1-3) *No Messages Please Physical Education Assignments: ______P.E. Log (270 Minutes) ____5 PE Credits Due (Monday at latest) Parent Packet Signed Grade__________ TW____________%
Math PPT….CD Lesson 2-7Ch. 2-8 PPT
Math Objectives: Students will… -solve one step equations by multiplying and dividing and graph -solve two step inequalities and graph -understand exponents Assignments: __________Do go.hrw.com lessons 4-1. __________________(P.S) __________Ch.4 Lesson 1 Questions __________Ch. 3 Study Guide Pgs __________Ch. 3 Review Packet __________Ch. 3 Practice Test Pg. 159 Study for Ch. 3 Test (Use Pg. 159) Grade_________ TW___________%
Benchmark DNA Test Packet Review Packet
Benchmark 2 Standards 1e-Cells divide through Mitosis 2b-Sexual Reproduction produces offspring that inherit half the genes from each parent 5f-Structures of plants
Objectives: Students will… -Describe how cells reproduce --Know what chromosomes are and how they effect organisms -Describe what happens in each step of the cell cycle
Chapter 8 Lesson 1 Pg. 152 PPT Budget Vocab Matrix
cellsalive.com Mitosis Sequence Chart
Life Science Assignments: Into/Through _____Mitosis Packet _____Mitosis Project _____Mitosis Essay-Typed Grade__________ TW___________% Beyond: Chapter Project pg. Find a website that was helpful to you in understanding the cell cycle. Share.
7 th Grade Language Arts Objectives: Students will…. Know how to chose transitions in writing Compare and contrast character’s traits Write an autobiographical narrative
Summary West African Folktale Anansi? Use what you learned in L.A… as you do you History assignment Packet 3 Part Sentence Writing Burrito fold Name it, verb it, finish it
That October Test next week!
This Week….Flea Patrol!! Newspaper Article PPT
Also….A Day’s Wait Reader Writer Notebook Pg. 184 Quickwrite Think of a time/situation you thought was going to be scary ….and it turned out not to be.
Prepare to Read Vocabulary-Pg. 185Purpose-Pg. 187 Detached Commenced slack 1. Find out what the main character learns 2. Analyze the boy’s character
Author-Ernest Hemmingway Regarded as one of the 20 th Century’s greatest writers Characters…..men who show courage under pressure
Autobiography This is a story of what happened to his son True story Your Autobiographical Narrative Pg. 220 Planner…after you read Hemmingway’s Autobiographical Narrative
Into (Strategic Students) ____Fluency Builder Activities (3 per week administered by parent) ____Interactive Reader for this week’s stories Through (All Students) ____Read “A Stolen Day” Pg Do Focus Questions A-J. ____Reader Writer Notebook for “A Stolen Day” ____Literary Response Pg. 198 ____Transitions Worksheet ____Shatz Character Traits Worksheet ____ Autobiographical Narrative Rough Draft Study for “Days/Stolen” Test ▫Grade______ TW__________ Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit) Read a book from Pgs
HOUSEKEEPING Stamp Check Work “See me’s”
Objectives: Student will… -Describe the effect of Islam on Africa -know the 3 main reasons that Arabic became the language of trade -Demonstrate mastery of standards in Ch. 5
African Mask Bring 1 Material Pg. 185
Outline-Pg. I. ▫II. A. ▫III. A. ▫IV. A. ▫V A. ▫VI.
World History Assignments: Into/Through _____Africa Chapter Outline _____African Mask Project (Pg. 185) _____Cause Effect Map of Islam’s Influence on West African religious practices (Pg. 160) _____Cause Effect Map…Arabic becoming “Language of trade” _____Ch. 5 Take Home Test _____Griot Story Grade__________ TW___________% Beyond: -Bring Mancala Game to class -Find an African parable, bring to class to share
Today’s Test Benchmark Science