Quantum simulation for frustrated many body interaction models


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Presentation transcript:

Quantum simulation for frustrated many body interaction models Zheng-Wei Zhou(周正威) Key Lab of Quantum Information , CAS, USTC In collaboration with: Univ. of Sci. & Tech. of China X.-F. Zhou (周祥发) Z.-X. Chen (陈志心) X.-X. Zhou (周幸祥) M.-H. Chen (陈默涵) L.-X. He (何力新) G.-C. Guo (郭光灿) Fudan Univ. Y. Chen (陈焱) H. Ma (马涵) KITPC, June 2, 2011

Outline I. Some Backgrounds on Quantum Simulation II. Simulation for 1D frustrated spin ½ models III. Simulation for 2D J_1,J_2 spin ½ model IV. Simulation for 2D Bose-Hubbard model with frustrated tunneling Summary

I. Backgrounds on Quantum Simulation “Nature isn't classical, and if you want to make a simulation of Nature, you'd better make it quantum mechanical, and it's a wonderful problem, because it doesn't look so easy.” (Richard Feynman)

Why quantum simulation is important? Answer 2: simulate and build new virtual quantum materials. Kitaev’s models topological quantum computing

Physical Realizations for quantum simulation Iulia Buluta and Franco Nori, Science 326,108

About frustration… Frustration is a very important phenomenon in condensed matter systems. It is usually induced by the competing interaction or lattice geometry. AF AF AF AF or AF AF AF AF

Theoretical treatment of strong frustrated systems is very difficult. One dimension Three dimension F.D.M. Haldane, PRB 25, 4925 (1982) Zhao J, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101,167203 (2008) Theoretical treatment of strong frustrated systems is very difficult.

The tunable interactions are realized in the measurement-induced fashion.


The results demonstrate the realization of a quantum simulator for classical magnetism in a triangular lattice. One succeeded in observing all the various magnetic phases and phase transitions of first and second order as well as frustration induced spontaneous symmetry breaking.

II. Simulation for 1D frustrated spin ½ models Zhi-Xin Chen, Zheng-Wei Zhou, Xingxiang Zhou, et al., Phys. Rev. A 81, 022303 (2010) Basic idea and difficulty nonlocal modes Fourth order effective Hamiltonian Effective spin 1/2

The spin chain with next-nearest-neighbor interactions Two-photon detuning The interaction strength decay rapidly along with the distance between different sites, So, long-range interaction can be omitted!

The XXZ chain with next-nearest-neighbor interactions Our Model 0 0 0 Key points 0 π 0 The index j represent j-th cavity

The effective Hamiltonian reads where

Experimental Requirements In this model, the effective decay rate is: the effective cavity field decay rate is: Here, is the linewidth of the upper level and describes the cavity decay of photons.

III. Simulation for 2D J_1,J_2 spin ½ model J_2>0, frustrated spin model

Cold Atoms Trapped in Optical Lattices to Simulate condensed matter physics D. Jaksch, C. Bruder, C.W. Gardiner, J.I. Cirac and P. Zoller (1998)

Optical lattice +

t_2 t_1 V_2/V_1 Schrieffer-Wolf transformation

Detection of various exotic quantum phases Possible quantum phases: K. Eckert, et al., Nature Physics, 4, 50 (2008) The feature of the regime of RVB remains open.

Theoretical prediction: ? Theoretical prediction: 0.38 0.6 Néel state RVB state Spin-striped state

IV. Simulation for 2D Bose-Hubbard model with frustrated tunneling We wonder what will happen if frustration effects beyond quantum spin models are induced. Here, we propose a scheme to experimentally realize frustrated tunneling of ultracold atoms in a two-dimensional (2D) state-dependent optical lattice. Traditional Bose-Hubbard model: For typical optical trapping potential, J is always positive, and next-nearest-neighbor interaction is much smaller than the nearest-neighbor tunnneling rate. J Xiang-Fa Zhou, Zhi-Xin Chen, Zheng-Wei Zhou, et al., Phys. Rev. A 81, 021602® (2010).

Frustrated tunneling: basic idea state-dependent trapping potential: Two sublattices are displaced so that the potential minima of one sublattice overlaps with the potential maxima of the other lattice. The (red) dotted arrow indicates a lattice-induced tunneling of atoms

initially the atoms reside in state 0 Here,

Controllability: In principle, Crossover from unfrustrated BH model to frustrated BH model, from frustrated BH model to frustrated spin model.

In the hard-core limit Frustrated XY-model The ground state consists of two independent √2 × √2 sublattices with antiferromagnetic order. The mean-field phase diagram of the spin model (t_0=0.4)

Frustrated superfluidity In the soft-core case, it is expected the transition from a Mott insulator (MI) to a superfluid (SF) occurs at finite hopping amplitudes for integer filling. SF = superfluid. MI = Mott insulator t_0=0.12 Frustrated superfluidity The phase diagram shows a strong asymmetry for positive and negative J_2. Additionally, for a finite t_0, there also exists a first-order transition between the two SF states.

Frustration in various lattice geometries: kagomé lattice honeycomb geometry Optical sublattice with and polarization J can be negative or positive.

Summary Quantum simulation of one-dimensional,two-dimensional frustrated spin models in photon coupled cavities and optical lattices. Realization of frustrated tunneling of ultracold atoms in the optical lattice.This enables us to investigate the physics of frustration in both bosonic SF and spin systems.

Thanks for your attention

References: Quantum simulation of Heisenberg spin chains with next-nearest-neighbor interactions in coupled cavities, Zhi-Xin Chen, Zheng-Wei Zhou, Xingxiang Zhou, Xiang-Fa Zhou, Guang-Can Guo, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022303 (2010) Frustrated tunneling of ultracold atoms in a state-dependent optical lattice, Xiang-Fa Zhou, Zhi-Xin Chen, Zheng-Wei Zhou, Yong-Sheng Zhang, Guang-Can Guo, Phys. Rev. A 81, 021602® (2010). The J1-J2 frustrated spin models with ultracold fermionic atoms in a square optical lattice, Zhi-Xin Chen, Han Ma, Mo-Han Chen, Xiang-Fa Zhou, Xingxiang Zhou, Lixin He, Guang-Can Guo, Yan Chen, and Zheng-Wei Zhou, to be submitted.