True Worship John 4:20-24
Introduction At Jacob's well, Jesus and the Samaritan woman discussed the matter of worship –Samaritans and Jews differed as to where one should worship (Jn 4:20) Samaritans believed they should worship on Mt. Gerizim Jews understood that it should be in Jerusalem –Jesus said the time was coming for a different kind of worship (Jn 4:21-24) Where worship would not be defined by its location (though Jews had been right) Where true worshippers would worship the Father in spirit and truth
Questions What did Jesus mean by “in spirit and truth”? Is there a correct place for worship? When would the change Jesus refers to be made and why?
Worship in spirit Jesus began by saying “God is Spirit...” The worship of God is to be “in spirit” (i.e., spiritual) –Of course, God always required spiritual worship (Deut 6:4-7) The problem was that the Jews had substituted physical compliance for spiritual worship –Isa 1:10-18 The physical was merely to be a shadow of the spiritual (Col 2:16-17; Heb 10:1)
Worship in spirit NT worship is less physical and more spiritual –God's temple is now spiritual, made up of Christians (1 Cor 3:16; Eph 2:19-22) –All Christians are priests, offering up spiritual sacrifices (1 Pet 2:5,9) –Our prayers are as sweet incense (Rev 5:8) –Our music (from the lips – Heb 13:15) is making melody with the heart, not the harp (Eph 5:19) –The Lord's Supper, though with physical emblems, is a memorial (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 10:16- 17, 11:17-34) –Spiritual sacrifices of service (Rom 12:1-2)
Worship in truth The worship of God is to be in truth –God’s word is truth (Jn 17:17) So worship in truth is worship in accordance with God’s word –God always demanded worship in truth Deut 5:32-33 –Jesus even admitted the Jews had the truth as to the place of worship (Jn 4:22) Some changed the truth (Matt 15:1-9) Others were ignorant of the truth (Acts 17:22-31) Others made-up a “truth” (Col 2:18-23) –Our worship will have to be according to truth Matt 7:21-23 – doing the will of the Father
Worship today Is there a correct place for worship? –Not on Mt Gerizim and not Jerusalem (Jn 4:21) Jerusalem had been the correct place for the Jews (Jn 4:22) –Since worship would be spiritual... Worship would still be in the temple, but the temple would no longer be the building –1 Cor 3:16 Sacrifices become a part of daily life (Rom 12:1-2)
Worship today When would the change take place? –Jesus said “the hour is coming” (Jn 4:21) when the place of worship would change –Jesus said “the hour is coming, and now is” (Jn 4:23) when true worshippers would worship in spirit and truth God always desired worship in spirit and truth –So even at that moment under the Law there were true worshippers But the time was coming when it would be clearer, when the Old Law was taken away –Heb 8:7-13
True worshippers God wants true worshippers (Jn 4:23-24) –Not those who seek to appeal to the physical Candles, incense, instruments, clapping, dancing, hand-holding, vestments, etc –But who will worship Him in spirit –Not those who do not follow His word Whether deliberately or ignorantly –But who will worship Him in truth
Conclusion Are you a true worshipper of God? –Will you lay aside all that is not in the truth of God’s word? –Will you worship Him in spirit rather than trying to worship Him with only the physical? –If so, God is seeking you to worship Him Won’t you answer His call?