Why How
After finishing this presentation, the student ‘will’ be able to explain how the airplane is able to produce sustained flight over thousands of miles. They will be able to provide the name of the principle behind flight, and how the principle is used, and give the 4 forces acting on the airplane at all times.
Where is most, if not all, of the lift being produced on the airplane? › A) The belly of the plane. › B ) The top of the plane. › C) The wings of the plane. What ‘principle’ is used during flight of an airplane? › A) The flight principle. › B ) Bernoulli's Principle. › C)De Vinci’s Principle. What ‘force’ is responsible for the planes forward momentum? › A) Gravity. › B ) Thrust. › C) Lift.
Drag › The force which opposes the forward motion of the aircraft. Gravity › Gravity is the force that pulls the aircraft towards the earth. Thrust › Thrust is the force which opposes drag, for the aircraft to move forward, it “MUST” be greater than drag.
Lift › Created by the airfoil. It is what allows the aircraft to fly. › Created by the airfoil can be attributed to Bernoulli's Principle. “an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure.”
What are they again ? LIFT, DRAG, THRUST, GRAVITY.
Bernoulli's Principle
The 4 forces that are constantly acting on an airplane are › LIFT, DRAG, THRUST, GRAVITY. The guy whose principle we use explain how we attain lift is › Bernoulli!
What ‘force’ is responsible for the planes forward momentum? › A) Lift. › B ) Gravity. › C) Thrust.
Where is most, if not all, of the lift being produced on the airplane? › A) The belly of the plane. › B ) The top of the plane. › C) The wings of the plane.
What ‘principle’ is used during flight of an airplane? › A) The flight principle. › B )De Vinci’s Principle. › C) Bernoulli's Principle.
Works Cited A view from the back of the envelope. (n.d.). Retrieved 12 12, 2009, from gth_shift3.html Loose change 9/11 an american coup. (09, 1 18). Retrieved 12 12, 2009, from zetaboards: ums/topic/141780/2/