Curriculum Efficiency: From Idea to Approval Rich Cameron, Cerritos College, Facilitator Julie Bruno, Vice President, ASCCC, Sierra College Grant Goold, American River College Diana Hurlbut, Irvine Valley College
Preview Temperature Check Curriculum Outcomes from the Workforce Task Force ASCCC Curriculum Efficiency Survey Results Group Discussion and Brainstorm Strategies for Improving the Efficiency of local Curriculum Processes
Temperature Check
The Board of Governors Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation and a Strong Economy (The Workforce Task Force) Goal: To increase individual and regional economic competitiveness by providing California’s workforce with relevant skills and quality credentials that match employer needs and fuel a strong economy.
The Workforce Task Force Curriculum Outcomes: Evaluate and revise the local, regional, and statewide CTE curriculum approval process, as appropriate, to ensure timely, responsive, and streamlined curriculum approval. Provide state level coordination to develop a streamlined curriculum approval process. Provide sufficient staffing and resources in the Chancellor's Office to speed up the state-level curriculum approval process. Identify best practices in local curriculum adoption processes and provide technical assistance to colleges in ways to improve their local adoption processes. Streamline the approval process for revision of existing curriculum.
ASCCC Curriculum Efficiency Survey Results 143 Respondents including Curriculum Chairs, CIOs, Specialists, and Curriculum Support Staff No evidence of a standardized process from course submission to final local approval. 27 (18%) of respondents skipped this question. Some reported processes include 4 touches and others exceed 10 touches. One respondent outlined 35 touches before local approval.
ASCCC Curriculum Efficiency Survey Results Curriculum Committees: No consistency of committee membership Nearly 94% of respondents participate in some form of a technical review process. 67% of respondents report Academic Senate designates final approval of curriculum to Curriculum Committee prior to Board approval. 12% do not provided final approval authority. 61% have monthly board approval or “as needed” 58%of respondents are from multi-college districts and 56% do not have a district-level approval requirement
ASCCC Curriculum Efficiency Survey Results 77% suggested that less than 6 months from idea to approval 86% suggested that faculty typically take less than 6 months to prepare curriculum for technical review 2 Respondents stated timeline for local approval exceeded 2 years (1 year between approval and scheduling of course)
ASCCC Curriculum Efficiency Survey Results Faculty training for curriculum committee members is not standardized and includes no training all the way up to retreat style training. 20% of the respondents skipped this question. 70% of respondents report using CurricUNet as their curriculum management tool. Nearly 15% use a locally developed curriculum management tool. Several respondents suggested a movement towards CurricUNET, one respondent reported movement away from CurricUNET and three respondents reported no automated system (paper form or documents posted on Blackboard)
ASCCC Curriculum Efficiency Survey Results Most efficient aspect of the curriculum process was varied but included: CurricUNET Multi-college alignment Checks and Balances Tech review Least efficient aspect of the curriculum process was varied but included: CurricUNET Consultation requirements CCCCO approval Approval timelines (too many touches)
ASCCC Curriculum Efficiency Survey Results Three top concerns centered around: CTE Program Approval every two years and Industry alignment Timelines and Touches (State and local) Unit Value to Student Learning Hours
Group Discussion What inefficiencies exist in curriculum approval and revision processes? What can we do to streamline the processes at all levels? How might curriculum committees address the slow downs? What might administrators do? Report Out
Strategies to Improve Efficiency Training for all involved Technical Review Monthly Board of Trustee Approval Curriculum “fast lane” Others?
Look for… Approval of the Recommendations from the Workforce Task Force by the Board of Governors in November Implementation of the Recommendations More on Effective Practices from the ASCCC
Resources Local Talent Curriculum Chair, Specialists, Faculty, Administrators ASCCC Curriculum Website ASCCC Website Listserv Papers Rostrum Articles Resolutions Curriculum Yahoo Listserv
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