Caucusing and You! I.Overview and Introductions II.Strategic Importance III. What to do in Preparation IV. Caucus Simulation V.What to do afterwards
Overview and Introductions
Strategic Importance Past Turnout Review Data Intelligence Significance Volunteer Prospect Priorities Capacity Testing and Asset Audits
Strategic Importance 2016 WA Dems Turnout Goals
What to do in Preparation To run effective caucuses: Find good accessible locations Recruit Precinct Caucus Captains Get your captains trained To run productive caucuses: Recruit attendees (and get them to sign up online) Follow up with attendees afterward Make sure your first post- caucus meeting is fun and engaging
Presidential Precinct Caucus Simulation I.What is a Caucus and Why Should I Attend? II.Timeline III.Simulation Overview IV.Recruitment and Field
What is the Presidential Precinct Caucus, and why should I attend? In Washington State, we send our nominee for the Democratic Presidential candidate via the caucus process. By attending a precinct caucus, you get to take part in that debate and help select our nominee. Caucusing helps us turn out Democratic voters, 2008 example If you want to go to Philadelphia to participate in the national process, you have to show up to precinct caucuses. Building habitual voters is like working out a muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it is! Caucusing represents an opportunity to get people in the habit of voting ASAP Connecting with like minded community members strengthens the whole; think of the caucus like a neighborhood meeting
Presidential Precinct Caucus Training Saturday, March 26 th 10:00 AM – Precinct Caucuses Sunday, April 17 th 1:00 PM – Legislative District Caucuses Sunday, May 1 st, 1:00 PM – County Conventions Saturday, May 21 st – Congressional District Caucuses (held at times set by the State Chair) Saturday, June 18 th and Sunday, June 19 th – State Convention in Tacoma Monday, July 25 th through Thursday, July 28 th – National Convention in Philadelphia
Presidential Precinct Caucus Training Sign in beta testing:
Fill out Sign-in Sheets Elect positions within group Precinct Caucus Captain Secretary Tally Clerk Tally Clerk calculates first round of voting, Secretary records result Opportunity for pro/con statements for candidates (3 minutes per side) Opportunity to change Candidate Preference Tally Clerk calculates second round of voting, Secretary records results IF more than one candidate, sub-caucus to determine who moves on to next round by written ballot Elected delegates fill out appropriate form by Area Caucus Coordinator Discuss Issues & Resolutions Submit all materials to Area Caucus Coordinator
Host a recruitment phone bank, house party, or neighborhood canvass. By reaching out to Dillon Gilbert (WA Democrats Field Director) at you can get linked up to resources and tools to help contact others near you. Plan a caucus training; this training and these materials are designed to empower you and promote leadership. Encourage folks to check for information about the caucus process and locations in their area. Create a plan for attending the caucuses Schedule carpools with fellow attendees; it helps save gas AND make sure more folks are joining. Organize a follow-up night; committing to caucus is great but we need to confirm that folks will attend. Lean in and help train newcomers that seem nervous about the process. How can I help get my neighbors to caucus?
What to Do Afterwards I.State Party needs and reporting up the chain II.Field Needs and next steps III.April Meeting Discussion IV.Q + A