FEBRUARY 10, 2016 Informal DTC Webinar Welcome! Thank you for joining us. We will begin shortly.
Intro to the Format All questions will be addressed during the Q/A section. We will provide each Webinar PowerPoint here:
Before We Begin… To ask questions, use the question or click the “raise box or click the “raise hand” icon.
Quick Reminders ELPA21 Window Now Open Smarter Balanced Window Now Open KA Media Release Happened Monday KA ADI data refresh and enhancement roll out (estimated delivery date of Friday, February 12) For Smarter Balanced tests, headphones are only required for ELA CAT (and any tests where students are using TTS). There is a sound check at the beginning on the ELA PT – students can just select the audio button to play the sound and click yes without headphones but audio may be disruptive.
Participation Opportunities ELPA21 contrasting groups recruitment:
Kindergarten Assessment Update Will become non-secure Early Literacy measures change to letter/sound recognition and will be untimed ODE will be conducting a linking study as part of the operational assessment
ELPA21 – Reminders Contrasting Groups Study recruitment extends through next Thursday, and we truly lack high school participants, and about 50% of our middle school participant goalrecruitment please consider contacting 1 school at both 6-8 and 9-12 for one teacher per school to contribute 5 to 10 students, it would be greatly appreciated! K-1 paper/pencil writing section (bubbling, label placement, important dates) – please see the FAQs document herehere
ELPA21 Reminders, continued Remember to use the manuals and web pages for assistance with assessment administration, such as K-1 paper/pencil instruction sheets, such as “How to print Pre- ID labels” DTC, STC, TA checklists Remember the Line Reader for ELPA21 can’t be programmed in Test Setting Upload or the View Student Details page this year. This support can be set via the TA interface only.
Changes to Essential Skills Cut Scores ACT: AESRP determined that the Reading and Math assessments did not need to be re-evaluated. The AESRP recommended new achievement standards on ACT English and Writing that together could be used to demonstrate proficiency in the Essential Skill of Writing. The ACT achievement standards for the Writing Essential Skill went to the State Board of Education for a first reading on January 21 and will go for a second read/adoption on March 3, 2016.
Changes to Essential Skills Cut Scores Aspire: The replacement for the Plan is Aspire. AESRP will evaluate the technical quality of Aspire at their next meeting (April 8th). The timeline for evaluating Aspire and identifying a recommended achievement standard is still under development.
Changes to Essential Skills Cut Scores PSAT: The preliminary concordance table was provided by College Board (available here). Pending receipt of the final technical documentation from the College Board (anticipated to occur by mid-May), ODE anticipates engaging with AESRP to develop recommended achievement standards and taking a recommendation to the State Board of Education for adoption between June and October ODE will provide an updated timeline as additional information becomes available.here
Changes to Essential Skills Cut Scores SAT: The revised SAT will be administered starting in March 2016; the timeframe for identifying an achievement standard and approving the redesigned SAT will be contingent upon the timeline for College Board’s development of a table of scores where the percentage of students achieving each score is the same. This information has not yet been provided.
Smarter Balanced Scores in Higher Ed Policy adopted last spring by Oregon community colleges and universities allowing a 3 or 4 to sub in for a student having to take a placement exam Data Governance Committee currently reviewing requests for data sharing agreements with postsecondary institutions, but no set timeline yet identified