1 Updated Run Plans. K.Tilley, MICO, 07/02/08 - pre-commissioning - Target, - beamline functionality - detectors, particle production - decay solenoid - steps towards (6π,200) muon beamline
2 -pre-commissioning : -Beam monitor backgrounds/calib/DAQ -completion of p/s services -DSA entry:- completion of mgt services - polarity(power) from p/s - direct klixon checks(B2,QN) - (klixon) interlock checks - system soak tests – stability/thermal - Synch entry:- polarity(power) from p/s - direct klixon checks (B1 esp, Q1/2/3) - (klixon) interlock checks - system soak tests – esp B1. (1/2hrs) - field at saturation – B1.
3 Target : - negotiate agreement to activate target. Formal plan. To include:- position reproducibility (shallow dip) flux / beam loss signal reproducibility. Reliability insert towards 38mm &/or 0.05V. Loss v dip. Crude production estimates (using upstream monitor) pre/post activation measurements. Radiation levels in MICE hall. (Tgt only)
4 Beamline functionality – to exercise beamline slow controls beamline model understanding beamline monitors - poss can overlap with Target work. - poss can overlap with det/DAQ cmsg/p.prodn MeV/c protons, since best rates - likely reasonable pion flux, albeit I programming
5 Detector calibration – to commission available detectors [Ckov etc] - to shakedown DAQ / MLCR. & particle production [Ckov can disting π+ if run +s] - require to sign off rqd beamlines [difft each E: air, mtrls etc] & then produce:- example stages:- positive pions [?]: - [ incl protons or high purity pions desired? Thus include proton abs] - Can provide up to ~500MeV/c, quads on. [imperfect but ok workable above 400] - Number of scan points? negative pions:- - Can provide up to ~500MeV/c, quads on. [imperfect but ok workable above 400] - Number of scan points? electrons:- - Require new ~100MeV/c, quads on.
6 Decay solenoid commissioning - hardware commissioning: cooling. Power. Interlocks. Quench checks etc. Field polarity measurements etc - with beam commissioning:- (using detector on DS end) [beam dynamics from ABl note]
7 Steps toward 6π muon beamline in Step I Require:- assume all detectors incl TOFs, Tracker available - reconstruction available. pions through whole ~ 280MeV/c: - optimise u/str optics for flux, alignment, spot size DS d/s - d/str beamline with pions ~ 260MeV/c for alignment optics? Scale upstream to ~ 444.7MeV/c - final check of upstream optics. backward decay muons: - backward decay should be aligned. - measure transmission, natural emittance. - calculate rqd matching parameters. - optimise for (6π,200) with optimiser scheme.