ANGLO SAXON WARRIORS The Anglo Saxons made brutal decisions fighting for what they wanted. They fought in small tribes usually with less than one hundred men, it wouldn’t of been very nice since they all fought bare foot. The soldiers only had certain weapons like spears, swords and axes. They may have had wooden shields too.
The most feared Anglo Saxon weapon was a battle axe, but the most precious weapon was a sword. It took hours of work of a smith to craft a sword. He softened iron in a red hot fire, twisted iron rods together and hammered the sword into shape. Only a freeman was allowed a spear. If a slave was found with a spear they would have been beaten with a wooden shaft until it snapped ! Thousands of years after them people called archaeologists dug up loads of remains !
Some tribes use to burn their boats to say that they weren't going to sail away. On the way to land they wouldn’t of had much cover because thousands of boats would have been traveling to the same destination and the lands people would have spotted the ships hours before they arrived. Aboard the boat it would probably have been rocking all over the place since so many men might have been running up and down energetically. Since it was so long ago the Anglo Saxons wouldn’t have had all the same materials (so they would just stick a few jewels on the swords handle) to build with, so sometimes the metal on spears would be held on by a very tightly folded rope! Also they wouldn’t of had any mechanical mechanisms, so some badly done weapons could just snap at any moment.