Stephen Mrenna Why a Workshop on Tuning and Generator Validation? Uncertainties in how events should be generated are significant or most important errors for: Top mass determination Precision W-mass extraction 40 MeV vs MeV (stat) Together, a window to new physics NNLO jet predictions with k T -algorithm … Inadequate Tools can limit what we learn about Nature Successful explorers know this
Stephen Mrenna LEP RunI Run I 2 fb -1 LHC You are Here “The object of your mission is to explore …” T. Jefferson T. Jefferson CDF and DØ -THE CORP OF DISCOVERY
Stephen Mrenna Motivation Experiments rely on Monte Carlo programs which calculate physical observables Correct for finite detector acceptance Find efficiency of isolation cuts Jet Energy (out of cone) corrections Connect particles to partons Determine promising signatures of “new” physics Optimize cuts for discovery/limit Extrapolate Data-Normalized Background Distributions into Signal Regions Planning of future facilities ...
Stephen Mrenna BRIDGING THE GAP Monte Carlos Parton Showering Hadronization Models Theory Perturbations Predictions Data Triggering Cuts
Stephen Mrenna Reliable Tools Development of Event Generators Hard emission corrections to parton showering in standards: Pyt/Isa/Wig Interface with NLO Calculations (e.g. MCFM) to include fragmentation/hadronization and soft gluon emission Systematic Evaluation of complicated tree and loop calculations Femtobarn Cross sections are Measurable in Run II Signal AND Background Fuller Understanding of b-quark production Getting the Theory right is important, But To Test the THEORY we need:
Stephen Mrenna Experimental Handles on Backgrounds Run II searches require control of systematics W+H is a counting expt. Don’t want to normalize potential signals away W+heavy flavor background to Higgs search W+jets from data Fraction of gluon splitting from parton showering W( )+c background to stop signals W( e, ) + good knowledge of efficiency Much more work is needed! Reliable predictions for Kinematics essential (R. Demina)
Stephen Mrenna “Tuning” (testing models/approximations) SM is a high-scale theory Low-scale phenomena must be modelled Underlying Event Affects isolation, jet energy corrections PYTHIA multiple-interaction model with varying impact parameters (R. Field) Fragmentation/Hadronization (Lund) String, Cluster, Independent Fragmentation WHAT IS UNIQUE TO A HADRONIC ENVIROMENT? Intrinsic parton k T Relevant for precision W/Z measurements CONSTANT SMEARING or Q-DEPENDENT? Important for LHC too
Stephen Mrenna Goals (today and future) Get CDF/D0/Theorists in the same room Get our Tools in Line Validation I Programs are error free? Validation II Physics models make sense? New Approach Global Scientific Symbiotic Requires a long term commitment
Stephen Mrenna Coordinate with LHC Efforts Resource Assessment (RTAG) Common Code Repositories (ups) Interface Development (HepMC) Common Event Files (Patriot) Tuning and Validation (this) MC4LHC (Mangano) Workshops, Tutorials Direct communication btw users and builders Steering groups for special topics (W, min-bias)
Stephen Mrenna Possible Directions Validation Universal Package to Compare different programs and different releases Several Key processes Several kinematic distributions Tuning Automated parameter-fiddling Detector-corrected Data Appropriate cuts and clustering algorithms Central Tuning Repository Accumulation of Tunes and non-default parameter choices Useful Tools E.g., Root interfaces to ALPGEN
Stephen Mrenna Overview: The Field Theory Trinity Many different calculational schemes from same basic principles Tree level (lowest order) Many partons All spin correlations Full color structure N N LO Smaller theoretical errors More inclusive kinematics “All” orders in towers of logarithms Leading Logarithm, NLL, … Analytic resummation (soft gluons integrated out) Parton showers (soft gluons at leading log) How to make sense of it all? How to use the best parts of each?
Stephen Mrenna Many Interpretations Many computer programs CompHEP / MadEvent / ALPGen / Whizard / MCFM / DYRad / JetRad / … Pythia / Herwig / Isajet / Ariadne / … Often treated as Black Boxes Time to Open the Box When is the right time to use one or the other? Where do they overlap? Are they bug free? Is the physics correct/adequate?
Stephen Mrenna Tree Level Calculations Read Feynman rules from iL int Use Wave Functions from Relativistic QM Propagators (Green functions) for internal lines Specify initial and final states Track spins/colors/etc. if desired Draw all valid graphs connecting them Tedious, but straight-forward Algorithm can be coded in a computer program Calculate (Matrix Element) 2 Evaluate Amplitudes, Add them, and Square (MadGraph) Symbolically Square, Evaluate (CompHEP) Do something trickier (Alpha) (Monte Carlo) Integrate over Phase Space VEGAS … Number of graphs grows quickly with number of partons Efficiency decreases with number of internal lines
Stephen Mrenna Parton Shower Example: gluon emission in * events Q2Q2 s t u t 0 when gluon is Soft, collinear or both z 1 when gluon is Soft, collinear or both Factorization of Mass Singularities Probability of one additional soft emission proportional to rate without emission d N+1 = N S /2 dt/t dz P(z)
Stephen Mrenna Hard Scatter FSR Resonance Decay Remnant “Underlying Event” ISR Hadronization Particle Decay Interconnection Bose-Einstein Partial Event Diagram
Stephen Mrenna Virtuality-Ordered PS Highly virtual Nearly on-shell
Stephen Mrenna Angular-Ordered PS Showers should be Angular-Ordered = p I p J / E I E J = (1 - cos IJ ) ~ IJ 2 /2 1 > 2 > 3 … Running coupling depends on k T 2 z(1-z)Q 2 Dead Cone for Emissions Q 2 = E 2 < Q 2 max Q 2 max = z 2 E 2 < 1 [not 2] < /2 No emission in backwards hemisphere
Stephen Mrenna The Programs (Perturbative) ISAJET Q 2 ordering without coherence large range of hard processes PYTHIA/LEPTO Q 2 ordering with veto of non-ordered emissions large range of hard processes HERWIG complete color coherence & NLO evolution for large x smaller range of hard processes ARIADNE complete color dipole model (“best” fit to HERA data) interfaced to PYTHIA/LEPTO for hard processes
Stephen Mrenna The Programs (non-Perturbative) ISAJET Independent fragmentation (Feynman-Field) JETSET (now PYTHIA) THE THE implementation of the Lund string model Excellent fit to e + e - data Also used by LEPTO and Ariadne HERWIG THE THE implementation of the cluster model OK fit to data, but problems in several areas String effect a consequence of full angular-ordering
Stephen Mrenna There are different levels of tuning Live Questions: or or call