CLEX constraints between the 2 linacs CLIC meeting 18 March 2015 Vivien RUDE Contents : (Alignment in the CLEX) Lab constraints CLEX constraints
CLEX Alignment Component Drive Beam Radial (μm) Vertical (μm) Error budget (μm) PETS1 Enter Exit DBQ1 Enter Exit PETS2 Enter Exit DBQ2 Enter81120 Exit Component Main Beam Radial (μm) Vertical (μm) Error budget (μm) AS1 Enter Exit AS2 Enter Exit Component Main Beam Radial (μm) Vertical (μm) Error budget (μm) AS1 Enter Exit AS2 Enter Exit
Contents : Lab constraints CLEX constraints
TANK Lab synoptic TANK Time 0 : No constraints between the 2 linacs Time 1 : Connection to the tank Connection to the waveguide Connection to the vacuum network Objective : See the constraints created by the connections Waveguide
theory Roll (μrad) Drive BeamTheory Roll (μrad)571 Radial (μm)278 Vertical (μm)0 Lab End of installationDifference μrad μm μm Without constraints Main BeamTheory Roll (μrad)0 Radial (μm)0 Vertical (μm) /- 30 μrad +/- 9 μrad +/- 2 μrad Without constraints End of installationDifference μrad μm 2 2 μm Without constraints End of instalation Without constraints End of instalation
TANK Lab constraints Constraints due to : Waveguide Connection to the TANK Connection to the waveguide
Waveguide Vacuum Network Time 0 : No constraints between the 2 linacs Time 1 : Connection to the waveguide Connection to the vacuum network Ceiling Support CLEX synoptic
theory Roll (μrad) CLEX /- 2 μrad +/- 35 μrad +/- 11 μrad Drive BeamTheory Roll (μrad)571 Radial (μm)232 Vertical (μm)0 End of installationDifference μrad μm 1 1 μm Without constraints Main BeamTheory Roll (μrad)0 Radial (μm)0 Vertical (μm)0 Without constraints End of installationDifference μrad μm 2 2 μm Without constraints End of instalation Without constraints End of instalation
Waveguide Vacuum Network Ceiling Support Constraints due to : Connection to the waveguide Connection to the vacuum network Support CLEX constraints
Summary The independence of movements between the 2 linacs is not respected on the Lab and on the CLEX. There are some constraints between the 2 linacs. The removal of the TANK didn't solve the problem. The constraints between the 2 linacs are worse on the CLEX. The supports of the waveguide create strong constraints between the 2 linacs. The active pre-alignment can’t be achieved with these constraints.
TANK Lab synoptic TANK Time 0 : No constraints between the 2 linacs Time 1 : Connection to the tank Connection to the waveguide Connection to the vacuum network Waveguide Objective : See the constraints created by the connections
theory Roll (μrad) Lab /- 15 μrad +/- 25 μrad /- 2 μrad Drive BeamTheory Roll (μrad)0 Radial (μm)0 Vertical (μm)0 End of installationDifference μrad μm 4 4 μm Without constraints Main BeamTheory Roll (μrad)667 Radial (μm)87 Vertical (μm)0 Without constraints End of installationDifference μrad 85 8 μm 2 0 μm Without constraints End of instalation Without constraints End of instalation