ASDA Predental Membership
What is ASDA? The largest student-run dental organization in the nation Over 19,000 members and chapters at all US dental schools Protects and advances the rights, interests and welfare of dental students
ASDA & the Predental Student Predental students can join ASDA (Dues: $58/yr) New national leadership opportunities Access to information about dentistry and the process of applying to dental school Meet dental and predental students from across the nation
$58?!? What do I get for that?
ASDA Member Benefits Tangible benefits Save money Access resources quickly Intangible Make lifelong connections Be a part of something bigger Build knowledge of dental school and application process Become a more competitive applicant
10% Discount at Kaplan With the 10% discount on a Kaplan course, you will more than cover your $58 membership dues!
Other Benefits No annual fee credit card and reward points (Bank of America) Up to 8% off auto, homeowners and renters insurance (GEICO) Free online dental resources (The NEXT DDS) Up to 10% off wireless phone plan (T-Mobile)
National Leadership Positions New positions in 2013 One year term (March-March) Part of ASDA’s council on membership Predental consultant (1 person) Funded to attend spring and fall council meetings in Chicago Serves as consultant to the council on predental issues and initiatives Predental advisory committee (5 people) Participates in conference calls with council Acts as a sounding board for new programs, benefits and resources for predental members
A copy of “Getting into Dental School” ASDA’s predental handbook that answers FAQs about: Applying to Dental School The DAT Interview Tips Financial Aid Includes listing of all U.S. dental schools and admission requirements
Publications Free subscriptions to our publications that keep you updated on current issues in dentistry (perfect for finding topics to talk about in your interviews!)
ASDA Website – www.
Mouthing Off – Weekly blog Fun videos Interviews Opinions Association news Staff and student driven!
Facebook Photos Opinion polls ASDA news Links to articles Chapter shout outs Photos
YouTube ASDAnet channel includes “History of ASDA” video, clips from from national meetings, chapter events, student interviews and more
flickr ASDA photos from: Annual session Lobby Day Regional meetings Upload your photos from district and chapter events
And much more.. Opportunities to network with 18,000 dental students at ASDA national, district and chapter events Stand out in interviews/personal statements by demonstrating your knowledge of the dental community through ASDA Gain a competitive edge by being part of the largest student dental association in the nation
How to Join There are no official “Predental ASDA” clubs, but you can join as an individual on our website! Dues are just $58/year membership runs Jan 1 to Dec 31
Any Questions? Danielle Bauer director of membership ASDA executive committee