“ WHAT IS THE KINGDOM PROTISTA? ” Matthew Robbins Mrs. Brown 12/5/08
“ WORDS YOU DON’T KNOW ” The words you don’t know are called Protozoan, Pseudopod, Cilium & Trypanosomes.
“ KINGDOM PROTISTA ” Kingdom Protista or Protist Kingdom is made up of very simple organisms. A few kinds of protists are muticellular. The protist kingdom is divided into three large groups. These groups are made up of many different phyla of organisms.
WHAT ARE TWO CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTISTS? Most protists are unicellular. The protist kingdom is divided into 3 large groups.
“ ANIMAL-LIKE PROTISTS ” Protozoans are one-celled or unicellular organisms. They often are called the animal-like protists because they cannot make their own food. Most protozoans can move about on their own.
NAME THREE ANIMAL-LIKE PROTISTS? Amoebas, Paramecia & Trypanosomes are all examples of animal-like protists.
“ AMOEBA ” An amoeba is a protozoan. Most amoebas live in fresh water. They have fingerlike projections of cytoplasm called Pseudopods. When the amoeba approaches a food particle its pseudopods surrounds the particle & form a food vacuole around it.
HOW ARE PSEUDOPODS BENEFICIAL TO THE AMOEBA? An amoeba uses its pseudopods to move through water & to trap & take in food.
“ PARAMECIUM ” A paramecium is a slipper shaped protozoans. Cilia are tiny hair-like structures that move. The cilia moves back & forth like tiny oars. The beating of cilia moves a paramecium through water. When the paramecium finds food the moving cilia create a current in the water.
WHAT STRUCTURES DOES A PARAMECIUM USE TO MOVE? It is part of a phylum of protozoa that uses cilia for movement.
“ TRYPANOSOMES ” A trypanosome is a disease causing protozoan. Trypanosomes also cause diseases in horses & cattle. Trypanosomes are part of a group of protozoa with flagella. The common name for this group is the flagellates. Some flagellates have one flagellum & others have two or more flagella.
HOW DO FLAGELLATES MOVE ? They use a flagella to move.