1 Data Management Office and NEP Presented at the U.S. GLOBEC Northeast Pacific Scientific Investigator Meeting Robert C. Groman January 2006
2 Background U.S. GLOBEC Program Office and Data Management Office for Georges Bank DMO supports NEP and SO Projects NEP responsibilities shared with H. Batchelder Follow the data buttondata
3 JGOFS/GLOBEC Data Management System Support for investigators at geographically different sites Client support for most (all?) computing platforms (PC, Macintosh, Unix, Linux) – Web based, using standard browsers Distributed data servers –Data contributor directly controls data –Always up to date –Easier to grow computing resources –But, can also use a central facility if one wishes
4 Data Policy Characteristics Dissemination to scientific investigators on a timely basis Data served when "useful" Available to others outside the Program Data use must follow data acknowledgement policyacknowledgement Handle data, model output and images Relationship to OPeNDAP (DODS) and value added web sites
5 Data Objects and Methods What’s a data object?data object What are methods?methods –Default method (defgb) –Restructuring (rs) –Combining with Perl scripts
6 Data are accessed from the U.S. GLOBEC Data Server,
7 The data directory organizes the data and provides links to data objects.data objects
8 Data may reside on remote servers
9 Information About Your Data Metadata is crucial for others to be able to use other investigator’s data. This information comes from the contributing investigator(s). To see the metadata, click on the text in the last column of the directory or on the “Documentation” button. last column directoryDocumentationbutton
10 Operator: "What number are you calling?" Smart: "I'm calling Control, Operator…" Operator: "You have dialed incorrectly. Give me your name and address and your dime will be refunded." Smart: "Operator, I'm calling from my shoe!" Operator: "What is the number of your shoe?" Smart: "It's an unlisted shoe, Operator!" What is Interoperability?
11 Implementing Data Interoperability Consistent field names –You may get a call from George H. Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) and Directory Interchange Format (DIF) record (for data discovery) Enhancing JGOFS/GLOBEC software to use XML-based “info” file
12 Data can be viewed – level 0
13 Next level: 1
14 Next level: 2
15 Or plotted
16 Selecting X-Y plotting optionsX-Y
17 Simple Plot
18 Or downloaded
19 Download Utility
20 Data Projection Selecting just the field names you want Try an on-line exampleon-line
21 Data Selection Selecting out data with certain values –temp 120 –taxon contains calanus Try an on-line exampleon-line
22 Other download options
23 Northeast Pacific/CGOA [As of 6 Jan 2006] Coastal Gulf of Alaska (CGOA) 73 Cruise reports on-line; 7 will be on-line soon; ~28 to come later 78 Event logs on-line 25 from CGOA - LTOP cruises [20 missing] 13 from CGOA – Haldorson Trawling cruises [8 missing] 19(+2) from CGOA – Process/Survey cruises [2 only in CR] 19 from CGOA – SECM cruises (via on-line report) [missing ?]
24 Northeast Pacific/CCS [As of 6 Jan 2006] California Current System (CCS) 48 Cruise reports on-line; (mooring cruises not online) 48 Event logs on-line (from above cruises) 36 from CCS - LTOP cruises (via on-line report) 12 from CCS – Process/Other cruises Elakha cruise EL’s online from 2001, 2002 cruises (still need later cruises and earlier Sacajawea cruise EL’s)
25 What is missing? Available on-line data include CTD, SST, alongtrack, bottle, SeaSoar, nutrients, pigments, zooplankton, and event logs.on-line data We know what we have, but we don’t know what we are missing. Goal: Develop list of what is missing then add these data to the system.
26 Data Management Advisory Group Set up by DMO several years ago. DMAG advises DMO on issues such as field names and units. Membership: D. Allison, H. Batchelder, J. Bisagni, C. Flagg, K. Garrison, R. Goldsmith, B. Groman, G. Heimerdinger, E. Hofmann, S. Howard, J. Manning, W. Sass, P. Smith
27 Software Tools GeoZui3D –EZGZ interface between JGOFS/GLOBEC and GeoZui3D EasyKrig (download)EasyKrigdownload Digitizer applicationDigitizer
28 Data Visualization Enhancements Better Able to Handle: Acoustic backscatter data (curtain plots) Arbitrarily spaced scalar & vector data Axes, labels, grids, bounding boxes Underlying bathymetry surfaces Multiple color maps for each object Point-and-click object identification 3D thumbnails and list boxes for easier selection and previewing of variables
29 Ability to: (1) “fly through” relatively large data sets, e.g. acoustic backscatter data (2) simultaneously display multiple data sets of different types (3) apply different color mapping schemes to different data sets (4) select, download, and display U.S. GLOBEC on-line data Software Design Criteria
31 Bathymetry off Cape Cod
32 Script file to load layers/colors/data points
33 Mark Benfield Stellwagon Bank abundance 3D gridded scalar field via kriging
34 Zoomed in
35 Same view but with only higher density (counts) shown
36 Rotated view with different lighting
37 Curtain without points
38 Curtain without points, rotated
39 Isosurfaces
40 Isosurfaces zoomed in
41 Isosurfaces zoomed in but higher counts only
43 Following GeoZui3D slides not used during presentation
44 Curtain with points
45 Curtain slicer
46 Curtain slicer rotated
47 All slices
48 Display reference grid
49 Example of gradient vectors
50 GeoZui3D* Professor Colin Ware Director Data Visualization Laboratory Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, UNH MATLAB conversion and formatting programs Peter Wiebe, William Little, et al. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution * Visualization Tools
51 GeoZui3D & EZGZ