piPEfitters Salt Lake City Jt Techs (Feb 05) Jeff Boote - Internet2
2 Agenda Current activities and Tools update High level framework description Summary: Next Steps
3 piPEs BWCTL Stable - fair amount of interest Recent requests for additional functionality (parallel streams, multicast) OWAMP Significant changes to specification. IETF working group last call completed New version of implementation forthcoming to reflect the changes (BEFORE SMM!)
4 piPEs NDT Redirection to closest NDT server within a group of servers Funded to significantly improve understanding and detection of duplex mismatch problems (NIH/NLM Grant) PMP registry
5 piPEs Internet2 Detective Strategic investment: Gateway for naïve entrance to advanced services like Shibboleth and Pipes Evaluating future development using SURFnet Detective platform
6 Current work: Joint Development with Geant2 (JRA-1) Rather than build two separate interoperable measurement frameworks, why not jointly develop a single measurement framework? Steps: Agree to joint open source development √ General Framework Design √ Prototype (Summer ’05) Detailed Design Implementation Seek participation from NRENs & campuses, particularly Internet2 & ESnet members Thrice weekly conference calls Very active mailing list 2-3 face-to-face meetings per year
7 Architecture Refinement Review of existing systems Insights based upon Abilene prototype framework, DANTE’s perfmonit and IPPM experiences New insights gained from inter-domain framework test experience (lightpath measurements, Abilene/ESnet, etc) Additional use cases and experience of collaborators Internet2, GÉANT2 JRA1, GGF NMWG
8 Design Goals Dynamic, self-organizing characteristics identical to that of the network as a whole Recognize and facilitate the ability of independent network entities to set policies and limits on the use of measurement resources locally Encourage and facilitate the use of measurement resources by users interested in network paths that traverse remote administrative domains Facilitate the widespread adoption of new performance tools in a broad, E2E framework Allow framework to evolve over time
9 Architecture Proposal Services-Based Measurement Framework for Building Dynamic, Self- Organizing Performance Communities In a simple scenario, each domain consists of a set of services. All services are well defined and independent Services within a domain represent the domain with the help of Authentication and Authorization – they respond to requests only if the Authentication service of the domain has authenticated the user and the policy of the given service authorizes it
10 Basic Services Lookup Authentication Measurement Point Resource Protector (Authorization) Measurement Archive Aggregation Topology
11 Test Request (Initialization)
12 Lookup Service Initial discovery Multicast / Anycast Well known servers Required servers (by administrative configuration) Previously detected servers (organized in a P2P network – lookup services find out about other lookup services…
13 Lookup Service (II) Lookup is not simply by name Type (type of measurement, type of service) Community Network path (proximity information from Topology) Organization Type of authentication required Other… Response contains Contact information Available services Authentication required Other…
14 Authentication Service Registers with lookup Client requests “kind” of authentication token based on lookup results Authentication grants time-limited token used to request service Attribute service created to protect privacy and support role-based authorization Allow new measurement points to be created as easily as possible Allow new data consumers access as easily as possible
15 Authenticated Service Request (see notes for slide)
16 Federated Identity Service Request (see notes for slide)
17 Measurement Point Service to wrap measurement tools Interacts with resource protectors to protect shared resources Registers with lookup service and specifies the authentication credentials required to interact Registers with lookup service to indicate types of tests it can perform Accepts requests for tests
18 Client Process Flow Discovery. Find lookup servers. Use lookup servers to find measurement tool (MPs) for a given problem. (On correct path, with acceptable authentication requirements, with acceptable tools/measurements.). Authentication. Authenticate to correct auth servers that are needed for desired MPs. Test execution. Implement subscriber to accept results. Make test requests presenting credentials and reference to subscriber interface for returned data.
19 Resource Protector Enables centralizing of resource allocation (not globally - this is within spheres of administrative control) Multiple measurement points interact with a given resource protector to limit the shared resources Resource protectors can be chained to control aggregations of shared resources
20 Flow for Measurement Request
21 Resources Protectors
22 Measurement Archive Subscribes to some set of data – either from a measurement point or from an aggregation service May publish the derived data sets
23 Transformation Service Pipelines data between other components in the framework Subscribes and Publishes data Provides: Aggregation Correlation Caching Duplication Filtering Translation –Event generation –Data analysis
24 Topology Specific type of transformation service (correlation) Network topology information is necessary for measurement system optimization Creates overviews/”maps” to illustrate network Collects raw data from measurement points and pushes topology information into Measurement Archives Lookup service makes queries to MAs to deduce topological adjacencies. (allows location based queries to lookup service)
25 General Framework Next Steps Architecture continuing to be refined Architecture validation Detailed use-case flow descriptions Interfaces Prototypes Jointly developed, services-based, measurement framework prototype by Summer ‘05
26 Summary: Next Steps Open Source Shared Development Sourceforge-based Sub-Projects Modified Berkeley Licensing Common Service-based Architecture Architecture spans superset of deployment use cases ~Quarterly face-to-face meetings ~Thrice-Weekly phone conferences Split development according to interest, resources
27 Questions? Are you interested in participating? Contact Talks of Interest Measurement SIG –Tuesday, 7 PM, Marriot Ballroom 1 Transport Track session for a introduction into efforts of ad hoc working group aiming to get benefit of kernel level congestion control algorithm improvements into a user level bulk FTP tool –Wednesday, 10:25 AM, Saltair GGF NMWG meeting for a detailed discussion of a common measurement schema –Wednesday, 2:00 PM, Willow Room, 4 th Floor