GoodLife USA Live the GOOD LIFE USA
Network Marketing Direct Sales Word of Mouth Low Overhead High Profits Financial Freedom Independence What is network marketing? It is a non-traditional way of buying and selling products and services. Instead of the traditional brick and mortar store, and the high overhead that comes with it, network marketing is made of many independent businesspeople, selling products to customers within their circle of friends, families and in their communities. This “word of mouth” marketing can result in large sales volumes, and when combined with low overhead, yields greater profits than traditional companies, profits that are shared by a network of independent business owners. Network marketing companies allow the business owner to take control of their own level of success, and makes using their quality products and services, both rewarding and profitable. Why get involved with network marketing? Because if you love a product or service, who can sell it better to family and friends than you? You know the likes and dislikes of the people in your network, and know who and why someone would love to know about it. With a great product behind you, you are actually helping your friends and family, by introducing them to products and services that can improve the quality of their lives. By offering them the opportunity to share with their friends and families, you are offering them the opportunity to benefit from the financial freedom, independence and the exciting perks offered by being involved in a dynamic, growing company.
Why THE GOOD LIFE? Excitement and Adventure Earn rewards on travel Impossible savings Chase your dreams Freedom So why join the Goodlife? What do you think of when you imagine the “good l”ife? Traveling the world? Seeing the latest Broadway show? Keeping up on all the latest movies? Or is it time with family and friends in restaurants, at baseball games or on weekends away? Maybe it means having the perfect shoes for every outfit. Or is it lying on a beach, away from the everyday responsibilities of home and office? Whatever the living the “good life” means to you, you’ll be able to find ways to transform your dreams into reality by joining the Goodlife. With the savings and deals on everything you need to live the good life, you’re closer than ever to living your dreams. If part of your good life visions include financial freedom and independence, or if you’re just looking for a way to finance your travel, becoming an Independent Business Owner might be right for you. As an Independent Business Owners, or IBO, the amazing benefits of sharing the Goodlife with friend and family, and be financially rewarding, and yield opportunities for exciting travel and benefits along the way. When you become an IBO, it pays to share The Goodlife!
the GOODLIFE membership USA Join The Good Life Consumer Independent Business Owner Perks and Rewards Dream Dollars Travel Bonuses Perks The Goodlife offers different ways to enjoy their product. If you’re a traveler, or looking to save money on lifestyle products and things you use every day, then a consumer membership may be right for you. But if you love the Goodlife and would like to share the wealth with others, then you may benefit from the Goodlife Independent Business Owner (IBO) membership. By becoming an IBO, you’ll be able to earn travel, bonuses and income while you share the Goodlife with others. And as your business grows, so will your sphere of influence, your rewards and your financial independence. If you’ve decided to become an Independent Business Owner, and share the Good Life with your family and friends, you’ll want to know how you’ll be compensated for your efforts. Good Life USA uses a compensation plan that is unique to the network marketing industry and is so revolutionary that they’ve applied to patent the process! So what kinds of rewards can I earn as an IBO? As an IBO, there are rewards you can earn as you grow your business. One of the most exciting rewards for IBOs at the Gold or Platinum levels are Dream Dollars. Dream dollars are Goodlife money, redeemable for travel arranged through the Goodlife portal. They can be earned monthly through your membership and as an incentive reward as you sign more members into your business. You may use dream dollars on personal travel, or redeem them to purchase trips to Dream Destinations, specially arranged, all inclusive trips, carefully prepared by our Goodlife concierge service. Using Dream Dollars for travel can save you an additional 50% on already deeply discounted travel. You can also earn free travel and other perks as your organization within the Goodlife grows. As you reach milestones in the growth of your personal organization, you’ll find opportunities to earn travel, financial rewards and other exciting perks along the way to fulfilling your Goodlife dreams.
GOODLIFE consumer memberships USA Levels of consumer only memberships SILVER Enrollment $49.95 Includes 1st Month Fee Monthly Fee $9.00 GOLD Enrollment $99 Monthly Fee $39.95 PLATINUM Enrollment $199 Includes 1st Month Fee Monthly Fee $59.95
GOODLIFE IBO memberships USA Independent Business Opportunity memberships BASIC IBO Enrollment $79 No Monthly Fee GOLD Enrollment $179 Monthly Fee $39.95 PLATINUM Enrollment $279 Monthly Fee $59.95 So how do I get started? First, sign up with your Goodlife enroller as an IBO. There are 3 levels to IBO membership, and each offers unique benefits and perks. Goodlife Silver: Our Silver membership is our entry level IBO membership. Need more information Goodlife Gold: Our Gold membership is designed for the IBO that loves to travel and would like to personally take advantage of the benefits of Goodlife membership while growing their business Need more information Goodlife Platinum: Our Platinum membership is specifically designed for the world traveler who desires to grow their business while on the go. Platinum membership entitles the member to partake in our white glove concierge service. Need more information Whichever membership you choose, you’ll find ways to love and share the Goodlife while you watch your business grow. Next, share the Good Life with your friends and family. When your network out finds about the all the Good Life has to offer, getting others to become involved will be easy. When you come across someone as excited as you are about the products and services Good Life has to offer, invite them to join Good Life as an IBO, too. The fee to enroll as an IBO is based on your membership level. There are three membership levels (basic IBO, Gold IBO and Platinum IBO) and bonuses, dream dollar awards and commissions are unique to each level.
sharing the GOODLIFE Share the Goodlife Then reap the rewards USA Share the Goodlife Word of mouth Hosting meetings Social media Mentoring Then reap the rewards Free travel Dream Dollars Financial independence So how do I earn rewards by sharing the Good Life? By sharing..the business, the excitement, the fun!! As you invite others to join you on your journey towards all the benefits that Good Life has to offer, your friends and family become a part of a network of dynamic people who share the common goal of improving their lives, traveling the world, sharing time with loved ones and gaining financial freedom. So how does it work? Picture an ice cream cone on a hot day. Inside the cone are all the IBOs in your network, all made of ice cream, working hard to grow the business. They’re so hot from selling the Goodlife that they start to melt. The harder they work, the more they melt…until suddenly you have ice cream dripping out the bottom and sides of the cone. It drips and drips, gaining speed the harder they work. Now imagine that the ice cream isn’t really ice cream. In the Good Life, the ice cream becomes travel and independence and dream dollars- some of the many rewards generated by your IBOs as they grow the Good Life by enjoying life and sharing with family and friends. By enjoying and sharing the Good Life, you benefit not only from your hard work, but from the hard work…the teamwork….of others in your group.
growing your GOODLIFE team We’re there to help you grow your team Networking opportunities Training sessions Conference calls Corporate resources Webinars You’ve signed up your first IBO! Great- you’re halfway there. As you sign up your second IBO, you are now “qualified”! Great news!! You are now on your way. As you start on your Goodlife journey, it helps to be able to envision your place within the corporate network. As a new member, you are at the top of your personal network, but at the same time, also are a part of many other networks. From the first day, you are part of a large team of dynamic business people, all sharing a common goal and vision-to enjoy their lives and enrich the lives of others through sharing the exciting rewards that Goodlife has to offer. Goodlife has resources to help you grow your business and networking opportunities, training sessions, webinars and conference calls, all designed to help you reach your goals. The more people you enroll, the more money you will earn. Each time you sign up an additional IBO in your network, you increase your opportunities to grow in ways you could only imagine! Your earning potential it virtually limitless!!
Beyond the basics of the GOODLIFE USA If you can dream it, you can do it! Welcome to your Goodlife!! Now that you know the basics, there’s lots more to learn. Now you’re ready to learn about the how you fit into the Goodlife’s 2x20 matrix, how shared teams work and the ins and outs of how to grow a successful Goodlife network marketing business.