By Allison Lathrop
Most slaves came from west Africa in to the United States of America. They came over on very dirty boats and or ships A boat that slaves were traded on.
Most slaves came to the United States by boats and then by trains to get to the trading spot. Then they would walk to the next spot which was the plantations
o Slaves cut and picked cotton and other crops. o Some slaves also worked in the big house which was where the (owner) lived. o Also some went to go and get other slaves with supervision.
Race was not that important but some people thought it was because in their eyes only white people should live or have good places to live. Some people did not realize that the only different between us was our skin and the way we were on the inside but we were all human.
Oxen and horses were used to pull and carry wagons that carried many slaves in secret rooms. patented iron plow with interchangeable parts
She was one of the mast famous slaves because she went back 19 times to the plantation to save/free more slaves. Thank you Harriet Tubman.