Situation: Enemy: None Friendly: Ute Warrior Battalion Conduct APFT Terrain: Liberty Park OIC: C/Captain Messer APFT Command and Control: OIC: Messer AOIC: Harris Commo: P: Radios, Messer ( ) A: Carlson Hall Rice-Eccles Stadium E 500 S Mission Ute Warrior BN conducts APFT at Liberty Park NLT DEC 13 IOT evaluate cadets physical readiness. Execution: Phase 1: Safety Brief Phase 2: Push-Up Event Phase 3: Sit-Up Event Phase 4: 2 Mile Run Phase 5: Final Formation Key Tasks 1. Have MS I, II & IIIs PT Cards at Lab 2. Have at Least 10 Graders to Evaluate the APFT 3. Have A Stop Watch Present at Lab Coordinating Instructions: 1. Cadre Evaluate MS IIIs 2. MS IVs Evaluate MS I & IIs 3. Cadets have from Dec 2 till 1000 Dec 5 to conduct Height and Weight 4. MS IV Conduct APFT on Dec 4 at the Track 5. 4 Cadre are needed to evaluate MS IVs 6. MS IV at each Point to Call Out Times During the Run 7. Cadets Daley, Hine, Belger and Rigby will be demonstrators for the APFT. Endstate: Friendly: All Cadets will take the APFT. f Sustainment: Trans: POV Uniform: -MS I, II & IIIs Full Winter APFT, One Canteen -MS IV ACUs, Clipboard or hard Surface to write on Services: Latrines on Site MEDEVAC/CASEVAC: P: ROTC Van to U of U Emergency Room A: Call 911/Ambulance PINYON HILL OBJ MEDIC HILL AA MS I & II MS III SP EP 1 MP
EXECUTION CHECKLIST TaskStatus Notes (Current Task, Issues, Suspense) PRE EXECUTION PLAN TRAINING (plan approved by cadre) (10 of 10 green, 6 of 10 yellow, five or less red) PLAIN APPROVED MSG EVERSHED TRAIN THE TRAINERS (CRM completed and signed) (5 of 5 green, 3 of 5 yellow, 2 or less red) MS IVs ARE TRAINNED, CRM COMPLETE AND NOT SIGENED RECON THE SITE (3 of 3 green, 2 of 3 yellow, 1 red) THE SITE WAS RECONED ON SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2013 ISSUE THE ORDER (2 of 2 green, 1 of 2 red) GIVEN TO CADET BATTALION COMMAND REHEARSE THE TRAINING (Equipment verified) (5 of 5 green, 3 of 5 yellow, 2 or less red) REHEARESALS CONDUCTED ON MONDAY NOVEMBER 18, EXECUTION EXECUTE TRAINING (3 of 3 green, 2 of 3 yellow, 1 red) Conducted on December 5, POST EXECUTION EVALUATE THE TRAINING (6 of 6 green, 4 of 6 yellow, 3 or less red) APFT SCORES
TIME LINE Cadet lab OIC/AOIC and detail cadets arrive at the ROTC building First formation, Warm Up, Stretching Safety Brief and Site Orientation, PT Cards APFT Push-Up Event APFT Sit-Up Event APFT 2 Mile Run Final Formation Dismissal/Post Lab
MS IV TASKINGS Messer, DominicOICDavis, TylerGrader Harris, AustinAOIC/ In charge of MS IVMiner, TiannaGrader Fangupo, Tevita1 Mile Point Timer/ Comes LateNuDelman, GraceGrader / In Charge of Post Lab Chang, JunYoungStart Point Timer/ Comes LateNuessle, WilliamGrader Little, CaresseSecond End Point TimerBelger, AdrianneDemo/Grader King, JennaPrimary End Point TimerRigby, JeffDemo/Grader Daley, ShaneDemo/GraderSkalicky, CatlinGrader Ferdig, AlexaGraderSpier, HarleyGrader/Secondary 1 Mile Timer Hagblom, MichaelGraderJackson, PaulClass Conflict Chavez, RosaGraderCrosby, StevenGrader/ Unreliable Hine, EmilyDemo/GraderPeterson, DallinClass Conflict Johnson, DavidGraderWicheta, WilliamClass Conflict Latham, TannerGrader/ In charge of Pre-LabHerrNeckar, JosephClass Conflict Layman, EllieGrader
TASK, CONDITIONS, & STANDARDS Task: Cadets will take the push-up portion of the APFT and to perform as many correct push-ups in two minutes as possible. Conditions: Cadets will be given two minutes to perform as many correct push-ups as possible while in the APFT uniform and at Liberty Park. Standards: Cadets are to perform at a minimum 60% out of 100% of push-ups in accordance with DA Form 705. Task: Cadets will take the sit-up portion of the APFT and to perform as many correct sit-ups in two minutes as possible. Conditions: Cadets will be given two minutes to perform as many correct sit- ups as possible while in the APFT uniform and at Liberty Park. Standards: Cadets are to perform at a minimum 60% out of 100% of sit-ups in accordance with DA Form 705. Task: Cadets will conduct the two mile run portion of the APFT and to complete the run as fast as they are able. Conditions: Cadets will be given a running course to complete the two mile run as fast as they are able to while in the APFT uniform and at Liberty Park. Standards: Cadets are to perform at a minimum of 60% out of 100% for the two mile event in accordance with DA Form 705. Reference: FM 7-22
CRM COMPOSITE RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET For use of this form, see FM 5-19; the proponent agency is TRADOC. 1. MSN/TASK: LAB 13: APFT 2a. DTG BEGIN 05DEC b. DTG END 05DEC DATE PREPARED (YYYYMMDD) PREPARED BY a. LAST NAME MESSER b. RANK C/CPT c. POSITION OIC 5. SUBTASK 6. HAZARDS 7. INITIAL RISK LEVEL 8. CONTROL S 9. RESIDUAL RISK LEVEL 10. HOW TO IMPLEMENT11. HOW TO SUPERVISE (WHO) 12. WAS CONTROL EFFEC-TIVE? Crossing Roads M Safety brief, site orientation, proper uniform briefed in OPORD L Safety brief, PT belts worn MS IVs will supervise Running on Icy Sidewalks M Safety brief, Time of day L Safety brief, APFT will be conducted at 1400 MS IVs will supervise Dehydration Additional space for entries in Items 5 through 11 is provided on Page OVERALL RISK LEVEL AFTER CONTROLS ARE IMPLEMENTED (Check one) X LOW MODERATE HIGH EXTREMELY HIGH 14. RISK DECISION AUTHORITY a. LAST NAMEb. RANKc. DUTY POSITION d. SIGNATURE DA FORM 7566, APR 2005 Page 1 of 2 APD V 2.00