1 Pertemuan 6 The Future Matakuliah: G0134/Grammar III Tahun: 2005 Versi: revisi 1
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menerapkan bermacam penggunaan Future Tense dengan bentuk-bentuk yang berbeda
3 Outline Materi Different ways to express the future in English Will + base form Future Continuous Present Continuous Present Simple
4 The future - 1 In English, several different tenses are used to talk about the future. 1. Present Simple We use the present simple for scheduled events with a future meaning: for timetables (planes, buses etc. leaving and arriving): My plane leaves Jakarta on Tuesday at
5 The future - 2 For programmes (when a conference, a course, a football match, a film etc. begins and ends): The conference starts on Wednesday at For people if their plans are fixed by a timetable: The main speaker arrives on Tuesday afternoon.
6 The future Present Continuous We use the present continuous: For plans which have already been arranged: People are travelling from all over the world. 3. Will-future In formal English, shall is occasionally used with I / we instead of will.
7 The future - 4 We use will: For decisions made at the moment of speaking: I’ll have breakfast in my room. For anything which is uncertain, especially with probably, maybe, I think, I expect and I hope: I probably won’t be back in time. I think I’ll get a meal in town.
8 The future - 5 For situations that we predict will happen but which are not definitely decided or arranged: In 100 years the world will be a very different place. There’ll be millions more people but there won’t be as much oil available for energy. (= nobody knows definitely what the world will be like in 100 years)
9 The future - 6 » Compare: I’m taking my History exam again tomorrow. (arranged) I’ll get higher marks this time. (not something which is arranged or decided in advance – a hopeful prediction) for something in the future which doesn’t depend on a decision by the speaker: I’ll be 23 on my next birthday. (= I can’t change this, it will just happen)
10 The future Future continuous We use the future continuous for an event which is going on at a particular time in the future or over a period of time in the future: I’ll be working at seven o’clock. (= I will start before seven and I will continue after seven)
11 The future - 8 » Compare: # I’ll be interviewing him at (= the interview begins before 9.00 and continues afterwards) # I’m interviewing him at (= the interview is arranged to begin at 9.00) Source: Cambridge GRAMMAR for First Certificate by Louise Hashemi & Barbara Thomas