B INARY A CIDS By: Moe Abdo, Narakan & Park
Binary Acids Acids are substances that produces one or more hydrogen ions (H + ) when dissolved in water. (aq) presents its an acid Binary acids those acids that are composed of only two elements. They are certain molecular compounds in which hydrogen is combined with other nonmetallic atom yield acidic solution when dissolved in water. The weaker the bond between hydrogen and the non-metal the stronger the acid
N AMING In naming acids we use the prefix hydro followed by the root of the non-metal modified with (ic) ending, then followed by the word acid. Hydro + Stem of (x)(ic) + Word (Acid)
E XAMPLES H YDRO + S TEM OF ( X )( IC ) + W ORD (A CID ) HF(aq) hydro+fluor+ic acid Hydrofluoric Acid Hydrochloric Acid Hydro+Chlor+ic acid Hydro= Hydrogen, Chlor= Chlorine, HCl(aq) HBr(aq) Hydro+Brom+ic acid Hydrobromic Acid
E XCEPTIONS H 2 S(aq) Hydro+ sulfur +ic acid For the non-metal we used the element name not the stem of the name. Hydrosulfuric Acid
E XCEPTIONS HI(aq) Hydr +iod+ic acid This time the letter (O) was dropped from the word hydro. Hydriodic Acid
Practice Name the following Binary acids: NH 3 CH 4 H 2 Se PH 3 AtH
Name the following Hydrosulfuric Acid Hydronitric Acid Hydrochloric Acid Hydroxic Acid Hydrofluoric Acid
Answers Hydronitric Acid Hydrocarbonic Acid Hydroselenic Acid Hydrophospharic Acid Hydroastatic Acid ________________________________________ H2S NH3 HCl HO2 HF