Unit 2 Day 11 FOCS – Human Computer Interaction
Tower Building Presentation Explain your solution.
Journal Entry: Unit #2 Entry #10 Build a tower Donald trump wants to build a tower 1000 meters tall. Using the same rules we talked about yesterday, how fast could he build it. Explain the process you used to determine the solution.
Pick a letter in the alphabet In groups of two: One person picks a letter in the alphabet The other person tries to guess it The only response is ‘yes’ or ‘no’ Do this three times and then switch the guesser. Keep track of how many guesses it take each person for each letter
Did you have a search algorithm? What algorithm did you choose to determine the letter you would guess? Why did you choose that algorithm?
Pick a number from 1 to 100 In groups of two: One person picks a number from 1 to 100 The other person tries to guess it The only response is ‘higher’ or ‘lower’ Do this three times and then switch the guesser. Keep track of how many guesses it take each person for each number
Did you have a search algorithm? What algorithm did you choose to determine the number you would guess? Why did you choose that algorithm?
Linear vs. Binary Search Linear Search: A type of search in which you start at the beginning of a list, and look at each item until you find what you are looking for, or you get to the end of the list. Binary Search: Look at the middle item in a list. If that is not the item you are looking for, eliminate half the list that does not include the item you looking for. Repeat until you find the item or there are no items left.
Journal Entry: Unit #2 Entry #11 Binary vs. Linear Search Explain the difference between the search strategies. When would it make more sense to use one versus the other. Which is faster? Why wouldn’t you always use the faster method?