Smart Linking With SFX SFX Training, 2005
Intranet Internet range of authorities, technologies A&I e-print FTXT OPAC FTXT A&I Electronic Scholarly Information
A&I e-print FTXT ¿¿ interlink ?? OPAC A&I Electronic Scholarly Information
SFX – an independent link server A&I e-print Full Text Portal ILL/Doc Del Reference Manager OPAC Digital collections Link Server
Linking – the Old Way
Traditional Linking – the Problem Linking controlled by the SOURCE: Dependent on specific business agreements/cases Typically limited (full text and maybe link to print holdings) Non-context sensitive (links are not always appropriate) And in any event, it’s hard to keep it up to date and maintain it !!
Smart Linking with SFX &rft.volume=12&rft.issue=3&rft.spage=1&rft.epage=8 &
SFX MenuSFX SourceSFX Target The SFX Flow: A&I database as SFX Source
Step 1: OpenURL generated by Link Source and sent to Link Server %20and%20picking%20pockets%20at%20the%20pickpockets%20hanging&rft.title=A merican%20Law%20and%20Economics&rft.issn= & &rft.volume=4&rft.issue=2&rft.spage=295&rft.aulast=Anderson&rft.aufirst=David Step 2: Link Server (at extracts metadata from the OpenURL Author: Anderson, David Title: The deterrence hypothesis and picking pockets at the pickpockets hanging Journal: American Law and Economics ISSN: Date: 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page: 295 Step 2: Link Server (at extracts metadata from the OpenURL Author: Anderson, David Title: The deterrence hypothesis and picking pockets at the pickpockets hanging Journal: American Law and Economics ISSN: Date: 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page: 295 Step 3: Link Server matches data elements against the link server KnowledgeBase (KB) and determines Link Services for user. KB is configured by the library to reflect local subscriptions and services.
Metadata available for use: Author: Anderson, David Title: The deterrence hypothesis and picking pockets at the pickpockets hanging Journal: American Law and Economics Review ISSN: Date: 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page: 295 Metadata available for use: Author: Anderson, David Title: The deterrence hypothesis and picking pockets at the pickpockets hanging Journal: American Law and Economics Review ISSN: Date: 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page: 295 “Full text available via Highwire” “Full text available via Highwire”
Metadata available for use: Author: Anderson, David Title: The deterrence hypothesis and picking pockets at the pickpockets hanging Journal: American Law and Economics ISSN: Date: 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page: 295 Metadata available for use: Author: Anderson, David Title: The deterrence hypothesis and picking pockets at the pickpockets hanging Journal: American Law and Economics ISSN: Date: 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page: 295 “Check library catalog” (Innovative Interfaces) “Check library catalog” (Innovative Interfaces)
E-journal Reference as SFX Source
E-journal List as SFX Source
OpenURL (the enabling mechanism) OpenURL make metadata available to link server dynamically inserted Link Server describes context of user
Smart Linking with SFX &rft.volume=12&rft.issue=3&rft.spage=1&rft.epag
SFX Link Server 1. Accepts OpenURL as input from Information Resource 2. Analyzes contents of OpenURL 3. Evaluates appropriate services based on Metadata SFX Menu is shown to End User 4. Dynamically computes links to Target Services
Sources A&I databases E-journals OPACS E-print archives (OAI) Electronic theses and dissertations Local digital repositories Sources must provide an OpenURL Targets E-journals OPACs ILL/DocDel Citation/A&I dbs Directories Patent databases Encyclopedias Copyright Clearance Search engines … Targets must have a link-to syntax
SFX KnowledgeBase Comprehensive KnowledgeBase delivered with the SFX server Contains a set of rules for linking including rules for fine-tuning Library “localizes” to match local subscriptions and conditions using SFX tools Regularly updated and distributed by Ex Libris
SFX Benefits For the user: Desktop delivery of full text when available electronically Expands research horizons Consistency and accuracy of links For the librarian: Central administration of links (and e-journals) Local control over what types of links are offered and to where they resolve Optimizes use of electronic resources Happy users !
SFX Statistical Reports For example: How many times did users click the SFX button within a specific resource? How many times was the article’s full text available via the SFX menu? If the article’s full text is available, how many times did users select other options from the SFX menu?
SFX-Generated E-journal pages
The Citation Linker
SFX Menu and config under library control DIRECT LINK TO TARGET