LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL District 17 Vice Presidents Workshops 2008 Season
The Vice-President Where a league has more than one Vice-President, the Board must designate one to be the Executive Vice- President. Executive Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President, provided he/she is authorized by the President or Board of Directors to so act.
The Vice-President (cont’d) In so acting, shall have the powers and duties of that office. Shall have such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the BOD or by the President. Any other Vice-President(s) shall perform duties as assigned. (Ex. Majors, Minors, SB, Jr/Sr, League Reps, Commissioners.) Interleague too.
Manage or Coach May manage or coach in any division provided they do not sit on the Protest Committee.
Be Prepared Be prepared to step in for the President if the need arises. If you are not willing to do this, do not accept the position of Vice- President. Could be one meeting or rest of season until a new President is elected by the BOD.
Know the Rules! Know your Constitution! Practice Good People Skills every day!
Develop a good relationship with the President and keep abreast of all happenings
Conduct Board Meetings in the absence of the President
Other Duties Fill in when and where necessary Park Duty Assist Player Agent Attend District Board Meetings Concession Duty Protest Committee (if not coaching or managing) Other duties as assigned
District 17 Chain of Command D.A. District Staff League Presidents Division Coordinators / Board Members Managers and Coaches Players and Parents / Guardians If you have an “Issue/Problem”, work your way UP the Chain One Step At A Time. Try to resolve the issue/problem “at the lowest level.” If not resolved in a timely manner, go ONE step Higher.
District 17 CONTACTS District Administrator: DEWEY HUDMANDistrict Administrator: DEWEY HUDMAN (772) Secretary: Nancy KellySecretary: Nancy Kelly (772) Umpire In Chief: Chuck JohnsonUmpire In Chief: Chuck Johnson (772) Information Officer: Lisa McNamaraInformation Officer: Lisa McNamara (772) Safety Officer:Safety Officer:(772) Assistant U-I-C: Bill YetmanAssistant U-I-C: Bill Yetman (772) Umpire Staff: Gary ClineUmpire Staff: Gary Cline (772) Assistant D.A.: Denise GuidoAssistant D.A.: Denise Guido (772) Assistant D.A.: Jim MougeotteAssistant D.A.: Jim Mougeotte (772) Assistant D.A.: Jo-Ann WebsterAssistant D.A.: Jo-Ann Webster (772) Assistant D.A.: Tom McNamaraAssistant D.A.: Tom McNamara( ) Assistant U-I-C: Andy HudsonAssistant U-I-C: Andy Hudson( ) Umpire Staff : Olindo MattiaUmpire Staff : Olindo Mattia (772)