Red Hake Urophycis chuss
Direct test of flowering date dependence on temperature
Sarah Diamond et al Species' traits predict phenological responses to climate change in butterflies. Ecology 92:1005– species in CO
Data mainly address PRIMARY ecological responses Distribution Abundance Phenology of single species
results next slide PHENOLOGiCAL RESPONSES
PRIMARY ecological responses Distribution Abundance Phenology of single species cause SECONDARY ecological responses Community structure Communiy function interactions among species
2 degree C local climate change Repeat surveys in – – 5917
PlantBee Interaction black: persisted red: lost, due to local extirpation blue: lost, bee still present bar & line width = importance
532 interactions 407 lost (76%) 183 bee extirpation: community structure 224 bee still in system: community function 121 new interactions: community function
Plant 224 lost interactions due to altered community function Grey: no overlap in time (phenology), Green: no overlap in space (distribution) Purple: no overlap in time or space (both) Orange: no overlap in time where they overlap in space (both) BROWN: 133 (59%) – interaction lost despite spatiotemporal overlap Bee
The Smell of Climate Change The impact of abiotic factors on plant volatiles Will Glenny: MSU PhD student
Pollinators use volatiles as chemical cues 60%-90% of plants are dependent on pollination Maintain biodiversity and ecosystem function Account for $18-billion annually in U.S.
Flower traits that attract pollinators Junker and Paranchowitz 2010
Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) Organic compounds Emitted from plant structures Lightweight Communicate with pollinators Raguso 2008 Monoterpenes
How will Climate Change Impact Volatiles? Raguso 2008 a.) Historical Blend b.) Overall Increase c.) Changed Ratios d.) Novel Compounds e.) New Context
Aim: Describe the impact of increasing TEMPERATURE on floral volatile compounds - ‘floral bouquets’
Experimental Design Temperature (°C) Globularia alypum Erica multiflora Quercus ilex Dorycnium pentaphyllum Sonchus tennarimus Spartium junceum
Farre-Armengol et al Temp(°C) Temp(°C) Temp(°C) Emission (ng / hr / g) Black line: sum of all monoterpenes. Colored lines: individual monoterpenes
Aim: Describe the DIRECT effect of elevated CO 2 on monoterpene emission
Experimental Design Quercus ilex Quercus ilex Low- 350 ppm CO 2 High- 700 ppm CO 2 GC/MS analysis of monoterpenes from daily measurements
Leto et al Most monoterpenes decrease as CO 2 increases. But not all.