european capacity building initiativeecbi VIEWS ON TIMEFRAMES AND CYCLES european capacity building initiative initiative européenne de renforcement des capacités ecbi for sustained capacity building in support of international climate change negotiations pour un renforcement durable des capacités en appui aux négociations internationales sur les changements climatiques
european capacity building initiativeecbi Basic Dynamic Contributions Cycle 5 concrete + 5 indicative to address durability, dynamically link successive implementation time periods; avoid locking-down low ambition; difficulty with adjustment Scope: Communication - consideration [aggregate, with provisions for further evolution] - inscription Most INDCs are either 2025 with a 2030 outlook OR 2030 potentially with a trajectory; both can be adjusted to the fit the 5+5 formulation Scope of cycles includes adaptation, mitigation, finance, technology, capacity building and modalities [modalities agreed in Paris as part of the agreement] Technical work for benchmarking - adequacy - defining the gap, further elaborated between ; with the consideration in 2018 and inscription in 2019 Different understanding of the procedures for aggregate consideration; assessment [technical] vs consultative processes [diplomatic] differentiated based on the type of obligations, types of mitigation commitments, equity. Questions: What is the design of the Global Stock-take? Can it address the scope expressed by Fellows? How feasible is 5+5 formulation for the EU? CYCLE FEATURES
european capacity building initiativeecbi ADAPTATION CommunicationConsiderationInscription 3 years to implementation [cyclical] Minimum info and vehicle to ex- ante communicate: planning, implementation needs, voluntary recognition of effort by developing countries; support for upcoming cycle by developed countries Principles, modalities of the global stock-take based on planning and implementation needs Formalisation process linked to housing provisions of the agreement Decisions in Paris for the work plan [only start-up period] Planning and implementation guidelines; Needs assessment Methodologies; Transparency of adaptation support provisions; Guidelines for seeking recognition 2 years to implementation [cyclical] Stocktaking in aggregate on the basis of agreed guidelines and methodologies ; outcome is assessment of gaps in planning regimes AND adequacy of support 1 year to implementation [cyclical] Inscription of undertakings for the upcoming cycle Questions: Assurance needed in respect of finance burden? Assurance in respect of intrusiveness? Flexibility and conditionality of planning?
european capacity building initiativeecbi FINANCE CommunicationConsiderationInscription 3 years to implementation [cyclical] Minimum information of post 2020 support; replenishment finance; multilateral finance, bilateral finance, private sector finance Principles, modalities of the global stock-take based on aggregate needs for mitigation and finance; Replenishment finance mechanism under the agreement in terms of scale Formalisation process linked to housing provisions of the agreement, and consideration provisions. Decisions in Paris for the work plan [only start-up period] Transparency guidelines for counting and accounting for the different types of support Define multilateral provisions for replenishment finance; Modalities for the aggregate assessment of support 2 years to implementation [cyclical] Further development of accounting-counting provisions to facilitate transparency Stocktaking in aggregate on the basis of agreed guidelines and methodologies 1 year to implementation [cyclical] Inscription of undertakings for the upcoming cycle Question: How can the minimum obligation in the Convention be enhanced? Transparency of support?
european capacity building initiativeecbi MITIGATION CommunicationConsiderationInscription 3 years to implementation [cyclical] Define minimum information to be communicated by Parties in respect of mitigation; agree on timeframes Principles, modalities of the global stock-take based on planning and implementation needs Formalisation of inscription procedures; linked to housing provisions of the agreement Decisions in Paris for the work plan [only start-up period] Elaboration of stock-taking modalities and fairness of efforts; 2 years to implementation [cyclical] Stocktaking in aggregate on the basis of agreed guidelines and methodologies ; outcome is assessment of gaps in planning regimes AND adequacy of support 1 year to implementation [cyclical] Inscription of undertakings for the upcoming cycle Questions: How do you assess and benchmark? How do you incorporate equity considerations? What are your views on the inscription process?