An overview of global biodiversity challenges Damon Stanwell-Smith UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cambridge, UK.


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Presentation transcript:

An overview of global biodiversity challenges Damon Stanwell-Smith UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre Cambridge, UK

start with the definition of biodiversity Biological diversity is: "the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part. This includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems” (CBD)

Communicating the value of biodiversity

2010 Biodiversity Target “...achieve a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at global, national and regional levels as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on earth.” Adopted at CBD COP6 Endorsed by WSSD and UNGA Incorporated as a new target within MDG7 Communicating the value of biodiversity

"Ecosystem Services" Economics (e.g. TEEB) Millennium Ecosystem And beyond 2010

Tracking the 2010 Biodiversity Target - timeline 2002 CBD COP target adopted CBD COP 7 biodiversity indicator suite recommended CBD COP BIP mandated CBD GBO3 indicator data deadline July BIP established WSSD endorsed MDG 7 incorporated

"Working together to track global biodiversity trends" ■■■■

Walpole et al., Science 325, , 18 September 2009

IndicesAggregate State    Pressure    Response  Benefits  A paper currently under review in Science with the details of this work, including aggregate indicators with confidence intervals

IndicesAggregate State    Pressure    Response  Benefits  A paper currently under review in Science with the details of this work, including aggregate indicators with confidence intervals Global Biodiversity Outlook 3 CBD Flagship report 10 May

Regional capacity building workshops: 45 Countries South East Asia Caribbean Mesoamerica Eastern Africa Southern Africa “National governments and regional organizations using and contributing to the improved delivery of global indicators”

Regional capacity building workshops: 45 Countries “National governments and regional organizations using and contributing to the improved delivery of global indicators” South East Asia Caribbean Mesoamerica Eastern Africa Southern Africa

Regional capacity building workshops: 45 Countries “National governments and regional organizations using and contributing to the improved delivery of global indicators South East Asia Caribbean Mesoamerica Eastern Africa Southern Africa to inform National biodiversity-related decision making"

A small set of broad headline indicators New framework: Threats / Status / Ecosystem Services / Actions Additional measures of threats and ecosystem services National indicator development capacity building properly resourced Inclusive partnership for indicator development maintained Post-2010 workshop recommendations: