International Trade in Endangered Species: Bear Gall Bladders by Jenny May Wallace
The Problem of Bear Trade Bear gall bladders are valuable to traditional Asian medical markets. Asia has less than 300 wild bears--the demand has led dealers to Canada. Bear gall bladders can earn up to $10,000 each (20x the value of cocaine per ounce). The maximum fine in Canada is $10,000 or six months in jail. Bear farming is a growing industry.
The Problem of Bear Trade It is legal to kill 2 bear/year in Canada with a license ($15). It is illegal to trade in bear parts under CITES. There are 300,000 to 400,000 black bears living in Canada today. 20,000 black bears are killed by licensed hunters each year; another 40,000 are killed by poachers each year.
Towards a Solution: Regulation Illegal trade is recognized as a global problem. In 1993, the UN sponsored CITES: The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. WAPPRIITA
Towards a Solution: Recommendations Federal/Provincial harmonization. Stiffer penalties..Bear Alliance 7 Points.
Towards a Solution: Pressure Groups Bear Watch WWF EIA Earthtrust
Questions? Write the Hon. Sheila Copps, Minister of the Environment, House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6