Presentation to Douglas County School System’s Board Amanda Dickerson
Douglas County School System Building Learning Communities Vision To build a community of lifelong learners that become responsible individuals, independent thinkers, and productive citizens. Vision To build a community of lifelong learners that become responsible individuals, independent thinkers, and productive citizens.
Is there a need in Douglas County School System for online learning community? Allow better student access to classroom materials during and away from class Increase communication with parents, students and other teaching professionals Allow for collaboration to continue outside of the classroom Integrate attendance, grade book and lessons in one location for easier usability by parents, students and staff Allow better student access to classroom materials during and away from class Increase communication with parents, students and other teaching professionals Allow for collaboration to continue outside of the classroom Integrate attendance, grade book and lessons in one location for easier usability by parents, students and staff
Why Moodle? As a course management system to help educators create quality online courses Make better use of the Internet Free open source software Continues to evolve Easy creation of courses from existing resources Course content can be re-used with different learners Secure enrollment and learner authentication Intuitive online learner and teacher management features Active support community to help solve problems and generate new ideas Affordable As a course management system to help educators create quality online courses Make better use of the Internet Free open source software Continues to evolve Easy creation of courses from existing resources Course content can be re-used with different learners Secure enrollment and learner authentication Intuitive online learner and teacher management features Active support community to help solve problems and generate new ideas Affordable
Who is using Moodle? Has over 13,000 registered sites from across the world Has 840,000 registered teachers Interface is translated into over 75 languages Has over 13,000 registered sites from across the world Has 840,000 registered teachers Interface is translated into over 75 languages
S-Curve of Moodle
Where did Moodle come from? Martin Dougiamas is the creator and designer of Moodle.
Commercialization of Moodle Open software Available Partners world wide Company support Open software Available Partners world wide Company support
Innovators Martin Dougimas Staff members Students Martin Dougimas Staff members Students
Laggards Staff members who are: Uncomfortable using technology Unwilling to learn how to implement technology Unwilling to change their teaching styles Do not wish to add to their teaching repertoire Staff members who are: Uncomfortable using technology Unwilling to learn how to implement technology Unwilling to change their teaching styles Do not wish to add to their teaching repertoire
Strategies Moodlerooms Lead department teachers Peer education Moodlerooms Lead department teachers Peer education
Decentralized approach Members of moodle have power and control over their individual accounts in terms of use, design, and implementation Peer diffusion through horizontal networks Uses and implementation of Moodle comes from experimentation of its users Members of moodle have power and control over their individual accounts in terms of use, design, and implementation Peer diffusion through horizontal networks Uses and implementation of Moodle comes from experimentation of its users
Key Change Agent County Technology Coordinator Seven roles used 1. Develop a need for change 2. Establish an information-exchange relationship 3. Diagnose problems 4. Create an intent to change in the client 5. Translate intentions into actions 6. Stabilize adoption 7. Achieve a terminal relationship with clients Seven roles used 1. Develop a need for change 2. Establish an information-exchange relationship 3. Diagnose problems 4. Create an intent to change in the client 5. Translate intentions into actions 6. Stabilize adoption 7. Achieve a terminal relationship with clients
Critical Mass In order for Moodle to meet critical mass, it needs to be introduced to a small group with in the system. After Moodle has met critical mass within the small group, then Moodle can be introduced to the entire school.
Closing Thoughts Need for Moodle in today’s classrooms Look at workforce skills students need Offers real world work experiences Need for Moodle in today’s classrooms Look at workforce skills students need Offers real world work experiences