The meaning and importance of belief in Risalah By, Hanaa Hadadi Year 10H
Definition Risalah is the Muslim belief in the Prophets of Allah (S.W.T)
It is important to believe in the Prophets of Allah because: The prophets brought the guidance of Allah to different nations at different times showing that the message was from the beginning. All of the prophets brought the same monotheistic message showing that Allah is one and unchanging. All of the prophets from Adam to Muhammad (S.A.W) brought the same message of Islam showing that Islam is the true religion and that people should submit to the will of Allah and become Muslims. All of the prophets prepared the way for the final prophet, Muhammad. Muhammad is the ‘seal of the prophets’ because he received the perfect message of Allah which is contained in the Qur’an. The Qur’an closes the message that the prophets gave to humans and therefore no more prophets are necessary.
Important Messengers and Prophets of Allah The first prophet, Adam, was also the ancestor of the whole human race. Another important prophet was Ibrahim (A.S) – This is the same prophet that Jewish and Christian people call Abraham. Musa (A.S) - (Moses) was the prophet who bought the message of Islam to the Hebrew and Jewish people. Isa (A.S) was the prophet known as Jesus in the Bible.