Weekly Theme W/C 14 th May 2012 “Neighbours everybody needs good neighbours”


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Presentation transcript:

Weekly Theme W/C 14 th May 2012 “Neighbours everybody needs good neighbours”

The theme song of Neighbours can be our song for the week; the words “Everybody should be good neighbours” is straight from the gospel of Jesus. Only two principals are necessary for a life that is full, Jesus said: “love God and love one another as I have loved you.” It’s really that simple and yet in practice it can sometimes be such a difficult thing to do. But if we pray hard and try hard amazing things can happen. Ever-living God, fill us with your spirit of truth, love and peace. Help us to live by the truth and enjoy the peace that only you can give. Amen

He is the life that I want to live. He is the light that I want to radiate. He is the way to the Father. He is the love with which I want to love. He is the joy I want to share. He is the peace I want to show. Jesus is everything to me. Without him I can do nothing. Amen Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that generation. Let your greatness blossom Nelson Mandela

If we pray, we believe; If we believe, we will love. If we love, we will serve Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

God of today, yesterday and tomorrow. We are your people created in your image and likeness. Wake us from our complacency; rock us from our comfortable certainties. Challenge us today to recognise the face of your son Jesus, in the eyes of all who we meet. Amen

We believe each one of us is made in the image and likeness of God. We believe each one of us is filled with God’s Holy Spirit. We believe each one of us was created for a specific purpose. Amen

A prayer for the people of Syria Merciful Father, the strength of all who suffer, defender of all who trust in you, whose compassion never fails; look with mercy upon the stricken people of Syria, touch the hearts of all who oppress, that they may be open to the ways of justice and of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord who suffered and died for all and who lives with you and the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen

A prayer for peace in our communities Gracious God, We pray for peace in our communities this day. We commit to you all who work for peace and an end to tensions, And those who work to uphold law and justice. We pray for an end to fear, For comfort and support to those who suffer. For calm in our streets and cities, That people may go about their lives in safety and peace. In your mercy, hear our prayers, now and always. Amen

Prayer for the current financial situation Lord God, we live in disturbing days: across the world, prices rise, debts increase, markets are in turmoil, jobs are taken away, and fragile security is under threat. Loving God, meet us in our fear and hear our prayer: be a tower of strength amidst the shifting sands, and a light in the darkness; help us receive your gift of peace, and fix our hearts where true joys are to be found, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A prayer in preparation for the 2012 Games Eternal God, Giver of joy and source of all strength, we pray for those who prepare for the London Olympic and Paralympic games. For the competitors training for the Games and their loved ones, For the many thousands who will support them, For the Churches and others who are organising special events and who will welcome many people from many nations. In a world where many are rejected and abused, we pray for a spirit of tolerance and acceptance, of humility and respect and for the health and safety of all. May we at the last be led towards the love of Christ who is more than gold, today and forever. Amen